Question : Storage Facilities

(a) whether the Government is considering to make arrangements at Gram Sabha level for direct storage of foodgrains by the farmers in rural areas; and

(b) if so, the details thereof along with the time by which the scheme is likely to be implemented?

Answer given by the minister


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(a) & (b): At present, as per information available, other than under Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure (AMI) sub scheme of Integrated Scheme for Agricultural Marketing (ISAM) which is implemented by Department of Agriculture and Cooperation (DAC), there is no other proposal under consideration with the Government to make arrangements at Gram Sabha level for direct storage of foodgrains by the farmers in rural areas.

The AMI sub scheme of ISAM provides assistance in the form of subsidy for creation of agri-marketing infrastructure including storage to beneficiaries who inter alia include individuals, group of farmers /growers, registered farmers producer organization, cooperatives, marketing federations, autonomous bodies of the Government, panchayats and self help groups. The scheme is demand driven and subsidy is provided to eligible beneficiaries @ 25% and 33.33% for general and special categories respectively with the subsidy celling of Rs.225.00 to 400.00 lakhs for construction of rural godowns upto 30,000 MT capacity. The scheme has however been temporarily stopped since 05.08.2014 for general categories beneficiaries and is only applicable for beneficiaries from Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes and North Eastern Region.


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