Question : Adverse Effects of Climate Change in Ladakh

(a) whether the Government has taken or proposesto take steps for mitigating the adverse effects of climatechange in the ecologically sensitive region of Ladakh;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) the details of the initiatives taken/being taken bythe Government for better management of waterresources and disaster preparedness since the 2010floods in the Union Territory;
(d) whether the Government plans to establish aLadakh specific research center to identify the ecologicalchanges taking place in the region; and
(e) if so, the details of the funds and the humanresource likely to be allocated for the same?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): Addressing the Parliament on the “Motion of Thanks to the President’s Address” in February 2020, the Prime Minister expressed a vision for the development of Ladakh as a carbon-neutral entity. The Hon’ble PM reiterated the resolve of making Ladakh carbon-neutral in his speech on the occasion of the 74thIndependence Day on 15.08.2020.Carbon-neutral development of Ladakh is a holistic vision of development that also takes into account climate change and its impacts–not just a mitigation goal. All sectoral ministries of the central government are working in association with the UT and thereby contributingtothe development of carbon-neutral Ladakh as their joint endeavour.

As per the information received from the UT of Ladakh, the District Disaster Management Authorities have been taking proactive measures for better management of water resources and disaster preparedness. From time to time, advisories have been issued and capacity building trainings and mock drills have also been conducted for disaster preparedness. There were no floods in 2020 in the UT of Ladakh.

(d) and (e): In so far as research to identify the ecological change staking place in the region is concerned, the same is part and parcel of theoverall strategy for the holistic development of carbon-neutral Ladakh.The forest department of the UT of Ladakh is also seized of the matter and addressing the same through various extant schemes and programmes.The Union budget of 2021-22also provided for the establishment of a Central University in Leh. A special package has been provided to the UT of Ladakh by the Union Government in 2020-2021 and continued support has been reiterated in the budget of 2021-2022 which adequately addresses the issue of funds and human resource.


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