Question : ``CARBON EMISSION``

(a) Whether India is the third largest contributor to world carbon emission;

(b) if so, the details thereof alongwith the names of the countries which are the largest contributors to carbon emission in percentage terms;

(c) the extent to which the above position has affected India’s position on climate change negotiations held recently in Tianjin, China and is likely to affect the further international negotiations;

(d) the extent to which the economic development is contributing to carbon emission in India; and

(e) the action plan of the Government for effecting emission cut and simultaneously maintaining balance with economic growth?

Answer given by the minister


(a)to (e): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.

Statement in response to Parts (a) to (e) of Lok Sabha Starred Question No. 29 to be answered on 10.11.2010 regarding `Carbon Emission` raised by Sh. J.M. Aaron Rashid & Shrimati Sumitra Mahajan:

As per current information available, the countries which are the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in percentage terms are: China - 19.5% , USA - 19.2% India - 5.3%, Russia - 5.1% , Japan - 3.6% and Germany - 2.6%.

India`s approach to Climate Change Negotiations held recently in Tianjin, China was guided by the principle of common but differentiated responsibility as reflected on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its kyoto Protocol..

As India`s GDP grows, its emissions shall increase in absolute terms but the growth rate of emissions will moderate as reflected in declining emissions intensity of Gross Domestic Product. This will ensure that there is no adverse impact on our economic development. As per Indian Network for Climate Change Assessment Report released in May 2010, the country`s GHG emissions have increased from 1228 million tones CO2eq. in 1994 to 1727 mtCO2 eq. in 2007.

The Planning Commission has constituted an Expert Group for preparing a strategy for a Low Carbon Economy for India. The Expert Group would evaluate some key alternative low carbon options with an analysis of their cost- benefit and relative merits and prepare an Action Plan along with a suggested timeline and targets that can feed into the Twelfth Plan process.