Question : Staff Rationalisation in Railways

(a) whether the Railways are concerned about huge financial burden on account of salary, pension and other expenses on employees;

(b) if so, whether the Railways have undertaken an exercise to rationalise the staff strength in the Railways;

(c) if so, the details thereof along with the modalities for execution of such exercise finalized and the name of the agency authorised to assist Railways along with the criteria fixed for selection of such agency;

(d) whether the Railways have fixed any time frame to complete the process of staff rationalisation; and

(e) if so, the details thereof and the steps taken by the Railways in this regard?

Answer given by the minister



(a) In Budget 2015-16 Staff Cost & Pensionary Charges are estimated at 49.87% of the Railways’ Gross Traffic Receipts.

(b) to (e): A diagnostic study on Manpower Planning was undertaken by RITES for Indian Railways and report was submitted in the year 1991. This study had recommended various short/medium/long term measures department-wise to improve manpower productivity on the Railways. Many of the measures which are feasible for acceptance have already been implemented. The Ministry of Railways have entrusted the study for preparation of rational manpower policy with reference to gazetted cadre, on Indian Railways by engaging an outside Consultant for the purpose. The proposed study to be entrusted to one of the big four Audit Companies, after following due process and the Consultancy contract would be awarded by RVNL, on behalf of Indian Railways. The selected Consultant would have to submit its Report by 31.03.2016. National Academy of Indian Railways/Vadodara will coordinate the entire exercise of preparation of rational man power policy.

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