(a) whether the government have decided to import cotton during this year;

(b) if so, the total quantity is likely to be imported in comparison to the last year;

(c) the details of those countries from which the cotton will be imported;

(d) the total foreign exchange likely to be incurred thereon; and

(e) the steps taken by the government to increase the production of cotton to meet its demand?

Answer given by the minister



(a): The import of raw cotton is under Open General Licence (OGL) since19.4.1994. The user mills and others relating to cotton and textiles industry can import cotton within the framework of the Government Policy.

(b): The Cotton Advisory Board (CAB) has estimated, in its meeting held on 10.3.2000 a likely import of 12 lakh bales(of 170 kg each)during the current cotton season1999-2000 (Oct.-Sept.) as against the import of 7.87 lakh bales during last cotton season 1998-99.

(c) : The major countries from which cotton is imported into India include West Africa (Ivery coast, Toga, Burkina Faso), Egypt, Sudan, East Africa (Tazania Uganda, Mozambique, USA, Australia, China etc.

(d): The total foreign exchange likely to be incurred on import varies from time to time depending upon the prices in the international market apart from currency conversion rate. As on 28.4.2000, out of 13.69 lakh bales of cotton registered for import, only 0.843 lakh bales valued at US $ 16.2 million have been imported.

(e): India is self-sufficient in the production of cotton, however, import take place depending upon the price and quality parameters. Government of India has launched a Technology Mission on Cotton Development with objectives of research, dissemination of technology to farmers, improvement in marketing infrastructure and modernization of ginning and pressing factories to increase the productivity and quality of cotton to meet the requirements of domestic textiles industry.