Question : Funds for New Rail Projects

(a) whether the Government proposes to expand railway lines and introduce new trains in Jammu and Kashmir, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand;

(b) if so, the details thereof; and

(c) the project-wise details of the total funds allocated for the new railway projects along with the funds released and utilized during the last five years and the current year in the aforesaid States, State/year-wise?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (c): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.


(a) to (c): The Railway projects are sanctioned/executed Zonal Railway wise and not State wise as the Railways’ projects may span across various State boundaries. Similarly, Indian Railways do not operate train services on state wise basis as Railways’ network straddle across State boundaries. However, introduction of train services is an ongoing process over Indian Railways, subject to operational feasibility, commercial justification, competing demands etc.


As on 01.04.2021, Indian Railways has taken up 187 New line projects of 21,037 km length, costing approx `4.06 lakh crore, which are in various stages of planning/approval/execution, out of which commissioning of 2,621 km length has been achieved and expenditure of approx. `1.06 lakh crore has been incurred upto March, 2021.

Zonal Railway wise details of Railway projects including cost, expenditure and outlay are made available in public domain on Indian Railways website i.e. >Ministry of Railways>Railway Board >About Indian Railways >Railway Board Directorates >Finance (Budget) >Rail Budget/Pink Book (Year)> Railway wise Works Machinery and Rolling Stock Programme.

Since 2014, there has been substantial increase in Budget allocation and commensurate commissioning of projects across Indian Railways.
The Average Annual Budget allocation in the Indian Railways for New Line, Gauge Conversion and Doubling projects during 2014-19 has been increased to `26,026 crore per year from `11,527 crore per year during 2009-14, which is 126% more than average annual budget outlay of 2009-14. The Annual budget allocation for these Projects for Financial Year 2019-20 was `39,836 crore (246% more than average annual budget allocation during 2009-14) and `43,626 crore in Financial Year 2020-21 (278% more than the Average Annual Budget allocation during 2009-14). For Financial year 2021-22, highest ever budget outlay of `52,398 crore (Original BE `45,465 crore and additional outlay `6,933 crore) has been provided for these projects, which is 355% more than average annual budget outlay of 2009-14.
During 2014-21, across the Indian Railways, 17,720 km length (3,681 km New Line, 4,871 km Gauge Conversion and 9,168 km Doubling) has been commissioned at an average of 2,531 km/year which is 67% more than the average commissioning during 2009-14 (1520 km/year).


As on 01.04.2021, 1 New line project covering total length of 272 Km, costing `27,949 crore, falling in Jammu & Kashmir has been taken up out of which 161 Km length has been commissioned and an expenditure of `23,716 crore has been incurred upto March,2021.

Since 2014, there has been substantial increase in Budget allocation and commensurate commissioning of projects across Indian Railways. Average Annual Budget allocation for Infrastructure projects & safety works, falling fully/partly in Jammu & Kashmir, during 2014-19 has been enhanced to `1,726 crore per year from `1,044 crore per year during 2009-14, which is 65% more than the Average Annual Budget allocation during 2009-14. These allocations have been increased to `1,911 crore in Financial Year 2019-20 (83% more than the Average Annual Budget allocation of 2009-14) and `3,895 crore in Financial Year 2020-21 (273% more than the Average Annual Budget allocation of 2009-14). For Financial Year 2021-22, budget outlay of `4,294 crore has been provided for these projects, which is 311% more than the Average Annual Budget outlay of 2009-14 (`1,044 crore per year).
During the period 2014-21, 32 km sections (25 km New line and 7 km Doubling) falling fully/partly in Jammu & Kashmir have been commissioned.

As on 01.04.2021, 16 New Line Projects of total length 2,017 km costing `49,221 crore falling fully/partly in Maharashtra are under different stages of planning/ approval/ execution, out of which 62 km length has been commissioned and an expenditure of `4,563 crore has been incurred upto March, 2021.
Since 2014, there has been substantial increase in Budget allocation and commensurate commissioning of projects across Indian Railways.

Average Budget allocation for Infrastructure projects and safety works, falling fully/ partly in Maharashtra, during 2014-19 has been enhanced to `4,801 crore per year from `1,171 crore per year (during 2009-14) which is 310% more than average allocation during 2009-14 (`1171 crore/year). These allocations have been increased to `7,281 crore in Financial Year 2019-20 (522% more than the Average Annual Budget allocation of 2009-14) and `6,700 crore in Financial Year 2020-21 (472% more than the Average Annual Budget allocation of 2009-14). For Financial Year 2021-22, highest ever budget outlay of `8,547 crore (Original BE `7,277 crore and additional outlay `1,270 crore) has been provided for these projects, which is 630% more than the Average Annual Budget Outlay of 2009-14 (`1171 crore per year).
During 2014-21, 916 km sections (87 km New Line, 136 km Gauge Conversion and 693 km Doubling) falling fully/partly in Maharashtra have been commissioned at an average rate 130.86 km per year, which is 124% more than average commissioning during 2009-14 (58.4 km/year).
As on 01.04.2021, 08 New Lines Projects covering total length of 1979 km, costing `35,235 crore falling fully/partly in Madhya Pradesh are under different stages of planning/approval/ execution, out of which 355 Km length has been commissioned and an expenditure of `5,678 crore has been incurred upto March, 2021.
Since 2014, there has been a substantial increase in the Budget allocation and commensurate commissioning of the projects.

The Average Annual Budget allocation for Infrastructure projects & safety works, falling fully/ partly in State of Madhya Pradesh, during 2014-19 has been enhanced to `4,213 crore per year from `632 crore per year during 2009-14, which is 567% more than Average Annual Budget allocation during 2009-14. These allocations have been increased to `6,906 crore in Financial Year 2019-20 (993% more than the Average Annual Budget allocation of 2009-14) and `6,509 crore in Financial Year 2020-21 (930% more than the Average Annual Budget allocation of 2009-14). For Financial Year 2021-22, highest ever budget outlay of `9,041 crore (Original BE `7,700 crore and additional outlay `1,341 crore has been provided for these Projects, which is 1331% more than the Average Annual Budget outlay of 2009-14 (`632 crore per year).
During 2014-21, 1327 km sections (293 km New line, 579 km Gauge conversion and 455 km Doubling), falling fully/partly in the state of Madhya Pradesh, have been commissioned at an average rate of 189.57 km per year, which is 5537% more than average annual commissioning achieved during 2009-14.
As on 01.04.2021, 35 New Line Projects, covering a length of 2962 km costing `53,773 crore falling fully/partly in the State of Bihar are in different stages of planning/sanction/execution, out of which, 497 km length has been commissioned and an expenditure of `15,710 crore has been incurred upto March, 2021.

Since 2014, there has been substantial increase in Budget allocation and commensurate commissioning of projects. Average Annual Budget allocation for Infrastructure projects & safety works, falling fully/ partly in State of Bihar, during 2014-19 has been enhanced to ?3,061 crore per year from ?1,132 crore per year during 2009-14, which is 170% more than Average Annual Budget allocation during 2009-14. These allocations have been increased to ?4,093 crore in Financial Year 2019-20 (262% more than the Average Annual Budget allocation of 2009-14) and ?4,489 crore in Financial Year 2020-21 (297% more than the Average Annual Budget allocation of 2009-14). For Financial Year 2021-22, highest ever budget outlay of ?5,560 crore (Original BE `5,150 crore and additional outlay `410 crore) has been provided for these projects, which is 391% more than the Average Annual Budget Outlay of 2009-14 (?1,132 crore per year).
During 2014-21, 968 Km sections (317 Km New Lines, 345 Km Gauge Conversion and 306 Km Doubling) falling fully/partly in the State of Bihar has been commissioned at an average rate of 138.29 Km/year, which is 117% more than the commissioning during 2009-14 (63.6 Km/year).

As on 01.04.2021, 13 New line projects covering total length of 1,430 Km, costing `25,614 crore, falling fully/partly in the State of Jharkhand are in different stages of planning/approval/execution, out of which, 398 Km length has been commissioned and an expenditure of `6,807 crore has been incurred upto March,2021.

Since 2014, there has been substantial increase in Budget allocation and commensurate commissioning of projects. Average Annual Budget allocation for Infrastructure projects & safety works, falling fully/ partly in State of Jharkhand, during 2014-19 has been enhanced to `2,089 crore per year from `457 crore per year during 2009-14, which is 357% more than the Average Annual Budget allocation during 2009-14. These allocations have been increased to `2,493 crore in Financial Year 2019-20 (446% more than the Average Annual Budget allocation of 2009-14) and `3,221 crore in Financial Year 2020-21 (605% more than the Average Annual Budget allocation of 2009-14). For Financial Year 2021-22, highest ever budget outlay of `4,182 crore (Original BE `4,079 crore and additional outlay `103 crore) has been provided for these projects, which is 815% more than the Average Annual Budget outlay of 2009-14 (`457 crore per year).
During 2014-21, 863 Km sections (433 Km New Lines and 430 Km Doubling) falling fully/partly in the State of Jharkhand has been commissioned at an average rate of 123.29 Km/year, which is 115% more than the average annual commissioning during 2009-14 (57.4 Km/year).


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