Question : Allocation under PDS

(a) whether the States were allocated and supplied foodgrains, sugar and kerosene under Public Distribution System (PDS) as per their demand/requirement particularly for the backward and tribal regions during the last three years and the current year;
(b) if so, the details thereof indicating the quantity of said items allocated and lifted during the said period State/UT-wise;
(c) the criteria adopted for finalising the per-capita and total allocation of various items under PDS for the States alongwith the basis for formulating the criteria; and
(d) whether some States failed to lift their quota if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor along with the corrective steps taken in this regard?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (c): Under Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) the allocation of foodgrains to States/UTs is not demand driven. The allocation of foodgrains to the States/UTs, where National Food Security Act (NFSA) 2013 is yet to be implemented is made @35 kg per family per month for all accepted BPL families (including AAY families) on the basis of 1993-94 poverty estimates of Planning Commission and March 2000 population estimates of Registrar General of India. Allocation of foodgrains for APL category are made depending upon the availability of stocks of foodgrains in the Central Pool and past offtake. The allocation of foodgrains to the States/UTs where NFSA has been implemented is made @ 5kg per person per month for Priority Category and 35 kg per family per month for AAY category. Under the NFSA Act 75% of the rural and 50% of the urban population of the country as per 2011 population censes will be covered to receive subsidised foodgrains i.e. @ Rs.3/2/1 per kg for Rice/Wheat/ Coarse grains respectively.
The Government has de-regulated the sugar sector since June, 2013. Under the new system effective from June 2013, Central Government is reimbursing sugar subsidy to the States/UTs @ 18.50 per kg limited to the quantity based on existing quota allocated since 2002 for distribution through PDS to the BPL population to all States/UTs and entire population in case of Hilly States/Island Territories. Allocation of sugar quantity was based on 2001 census wherein it was targeted to distribute sugar through PDS to BPL population of all States and entire population in Hilly/Island Territories. A minimum quantity of 500 gm per month person to all the BPL population and quantity ranging for 500 gm to 1625 gm per month per person to all population of Hilly States/Island Territories were fixed.
The Government also makes quarterly allocation of PDS Superior Kerosene Oil (SKO) to States/UTs under the PDS for the purpose of cooking and illumination only. Further distribution of the kerosene under PDS is the responsibility of the State/UT Government. The scale and criteria of PDS SKO distribution are also decided by the respective State/UT. PDS SKO allocation to various States/UTs has been rationalized from time to time by taking into account various factors-increase in domestic LPG and PNG connection, non-lifting of PDS SKO quota by the States/UTs concerned, upper limit on the per capita SKO allocation for non-LPG and PNG consuming population.
d) Some States/UTs have not been able to lift their full NFSA/TPDS quota from the Central Pool for various reasons like inability of State/UT Governments or their agencies to mobilise funds, shortage of sufficient intermediate storage capacity with the State Governments to store the foodgrains after lifting from the FCI depots, lower demand from the beneficiaries in view of higher production and retention of foodgrains, shifting in food consumption pattern due to increase in per capita income.
To ensure maximum lifting under TPDS, the Government has been urging States/UTs to lift their entire allocated quota of foodgrains through quarterly advisories, individual letters, various conferences and periodical meetings with them. The State-wise details of allocation and offtake of foodgrains and kerosene during the last three years and current year and distribution of sugar during the last two years and current year are at Annex-I to V.

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