Question : Hormonal Injections

Will the Minister of CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZERS be pleased to state:

(a) the names of hormonal injections administered for early sexual maturity and the drugs that are used for the same purpose; and
(b) the steps taken to regulate the sale of the same in order to curb sexual offences?

Answer given by the minister


(a): There have been some reports from time to time in various fora about misuse of Oxytocin for this purpose.

(b): The Government has banned the import of Oxytocin and its formulation for public interest as per the Gazette notification vide G.S.R No. 390 (E) dated 24.04.2018.

The Government vide notification G.S.R No. 411(E) dated 27.04.2018 and subsequent notifications restricted the manufacture of Oxytocin formulations for domestic use to public sector only, under section 26A of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act.

Further, the Government vide G.S.R. No. 795(E) dated 21.08.2018 shifted the oxytocin from Schedule H to Schedule H1 to have better control on the manufacture, sale and distribution of the drug.

However, some of the affected parties filed petitions before the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi challenging the notification G.S.R. No. 411(E) dated 27.04.2018.

After hearing both sides, the Hon’ble High Court had pronounced the final judgment dated 14.12.2018 and quashed the notification. Subsequently, the Government of India has filed a Special Leave Petition (Civil) No. (S). 3296-3299/2019 in the Supreme Court of India on 04.01.2019.


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