Question : Coal Linkage

(a) the criteria laid down for allocation of coal linkages to consumers in power, steel and coal sectors;
(b) whether the Government has taken any steps to detect unauthorized mining/unauthorized sale activity extending beyond allotted lease area; and
(c) if so, the details thereof, State-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The procedure followed for allocation of coal linkages is as under:

(1) A policy for Auction of Coal Linkages to Non-Regulated Sector was introduced in February 2016. In this policy, it has been stipulated that all allocation of linkages/Letter of Assurance for non-regulated sector viz. Cement, Steel/Sponge Iron, Aluminum and others {excluding Fertilizer (urea sector)}, including their Captive Power plants (CPPs), shall hence forth be auction based. There is no renewal of existing Fuel Supply Agreement (FSA) except FSAs of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) and Fertilizer (Urea).
(2) A Scheme for Harnessing and Allocating Koyala (Coal) Transparently in India (SHAKTI), 2017 was introduced in May 2017 and subsequent amendment dated 25.03.2019, in which coal linkages are allocated to thermal power plants, on nomination basis to the Central/State sector power plants and through bidding/auction process to power plants in private sector. Under SHAKTI, coal linkages are granted on notified price for power producers having already concluded long term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), wherein bidder bids for discount on tariff. Coal linkages are also made available to States for competitive tariff based biding of PPAs.
(3) The bridge linkages are allotted to specified end use plants of Central/State PSUs which have been allotted Schedule-III coal mines under the Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Act, 2015 and coal blocks allotted under the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act 1957. The recommendations for the bridge linkage are made by the Standing Linkage Committee (Long Term).

(b) & (c): Coal Mine Surveillance and Management System (CMSMS)/ ‘Khanan Prahari’ App has been launched on 4th July, 2018 to monitor unauthorized coal mining activities, through which illegal coal mining activity can be detected in 2 ways:

i. Through scanning of satellite data at CMPDI, wherein satellite data is scanned to detect any coal mining activity, which is extending outside the authorized leasehold area,
ii. Through report by citizens on this app where any citizen can report illegal coal mining activity in the form of text and/or geo-tagged photographs.

Reports generated through the above sources is automatically forwarded to the concerned Nodal Officers, who have been nominated by Coal India limited (CIL)/ Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL) as well as various State Governments. The Nodal Officers verify the reported activity and take action, like filing a police report for taking action as per law of informing the law enforcing agencies. The action taken is also fed into the system so that any person can see the status of his complaint through the complaint tracking system in the CMSMS. The identity of the complainant is not revealed. The cumulative monthly status report is at Annexure-I.


Cumulative Monthly Status Report of Coal Mines surveillance and management System
(CMSMS-Khanan Prahari) October-2019
I. Complaints generated through Khanan Prahari Mobile app.
1. Total No. of Complaint Generated 205 Remarks
2. CIL Area
• No. of Complaint generated 120 BCCL-18,CCL-7,ECL-80,NCL-6,SECL-8,MCL-1
From CIL Leasehold Area
• Complaint verified by CIL Nodal Officer 82 BCCL-16,CCL-7,ECL-50, NCL-3, SECL-5, MCL-1
• Complaint found True 22 BCCL-2,CCL-5, ECL-15
• Complaint found False/ Repeated 61 BCCL-15, CCL-2, ECL-35, NCL-3, SECL-5, MCL-1.
After Verification
• Complaint yet to Be verified 37 BCCL-1, ECL-30, NCL-3, SECL-3
3.Non-CIL Area
• No of complaint Generated From 85 Assam-4, Chhattisgarh-7, Madhya Pradesh-25, Odisha-5, West Bengal-25, Jharkhand-11, Maharashtra-8
Outside CIL Leasehold Areas
• Complaint Verified 14 Assam-1, Chhattisgarh-6, Madhya Pradesh-4, Odisha-2, West Bengal-1,
• Complaint found False 13 Chhattisgarh-6, Madhya Pradesh-4, Odisha-2, West Bengal-1.
• Complaint Found Repeated 19** Chhattisgarh-5, West Bengal-2, Assam-2, Madhya Pradesh-7, Maharashtra-3
After Verification
Complaint Found True 1 Assam-1
• Complaint yet to Be verified 71 Assam-3, Madhya Pradesh-21, Odisha-3, West Bengal-24, Jharkhand-11, Maharashtra-8, Chattisgarh-1
** Complaint ID 272 & 273 and 373,374,375 are repeated of West Bengal and complaint ID 274 - 279 are repeated of Chhattisgarh. Complaint ID 354 &355 are repeated of Madhya Pradesh. Complaint ID 283 -284 & 285 are repeated of Assam area. Complaint (352,353) & (357,358,359) are repeated of ECL. 6 complaints of MP, 3 from MH.
II. Monitoring of report of scanning of satellite data for the period of 1st quarter (JUL-SEP) of 2019-20
No illegal Mining detected.

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