(a)to(c): In order to increase the production and productivity of cotton, the Government of India is
implementing a Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Intensive Cotton Development Programme under Mini
Mission-II of Technology Mission on Cotton in cotton growing States including Andhra Pradesh through
the State Government. The funding pattern under the Scheme is mostly on 75:25 sharing basis between
Government of India and the implementing States. Under the scheme, assistance is provided for the
transfer of technology through field demonstration, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) demonstration and
training of farmers and extension workers. Besides this, assistance is given for the use of critical inputs
such as delinted seeds of newer varieties, sprayers, pheromone traps, bio-agents, sprinkler/drip irrigation
systems etc. The physical progress of important components under the scheme in Andhra Pradesh
during the last two years i.e. 1999-2000 and 2000-2001, is as under.
Component 1999-2000 2000-2001 (Upto February 2001)
Target Achievement Target Achievement
Field Demonstration (Ha) 5640 5584 3360 3968
Training of Farmers (Nos.) 200 166 460 277
IPM Demonstration cum Training (Nos.) 126 120 125 106
Supply of Sprayers/Duster (Nos.) 2500 2386 2736 299
Distribution of Bio-Agents (ha.) - - 3000 281
Distribution of Certified Seeds (Qtl.) - - 300 Nil
The future programme of the scheme in the State of Andhra Pradesh is that the existing Scheme is to
continue during 2001-2002 as well. An amount of Rs.452.91 lakh has been allocated consisting of
Rs.347.18 lakh as Central Share and Rs.105.73 lakh as State Share.