(a) the number and details of ongoing shipping development projects in the country, State-wise;

(b) the number of ongoing projects that are running behind schedule along with the reasons therefor, project-wise;

(c) whether any individual official has been held responsible for the same during the last three years and the current year;

(d) if so, the details thereof along with the action taken against them;

(e) whether lack of experts in oceanography is leading to impasse in the ocean development works; and

(f) the corrective measures taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The Indian shipping industry is operated/managed by entrepreneurs from public and private sectors. The acquisition of ship in private sector is solely a commercial decision taken independently by the entrepreneurs. The Shipping Corporation of India (SCI), the only Central Public Sector shipping company having “Navratna” status since 1st August, 2008 can take investment decisions. SCI has the following ongoing ship acquisition projects:

Sr. No.	Type of vessel	Name of Shipyard
1	1 no. Anchor Handling towing & supply vessels	Bharti Shipyard, India	of 80T Bollard Pull capacity each.
2	2 nos. VLCCs	Jiangsu Rongsheng Heavy	Industries, Co. Ltd., China
3	2 nos. Cellular container vessels	STX (Dalian) Shipbuilding	of 6,500 TEUs each	Co. Ltd., China
4	6 nos. Anchor Handling towing	ABG Shipyard Ltd. India	& supply vessels of 80T Bollard	Pull capacity each 
(b): All the ongoing ship acquisition projects of SCI are running behind schedule. The shipbuilding industry worldwide is presently going through depression phase with most of the shipyards struggling from cash flow problems.

(c)&(d): Does not arise.

(e): No, Madam. There is no dearth of scientific experts in the field of ocean science and services. The services rendered in the country are appreciated the world over and the research work carried out is also well recognized.

(f): Does not arise.