(a) Details of ships dismantled at Indian dismantling facilities during last 5 years, as reported by ship recycling centres, are as follows:
Year Kolkata Mumbai Kannur (Kerala) Alang-Sosiya
Total LDT No.of ships Total LDT No.of ships Total LDT No.of ships Total LDT No.of ships
2014-15 10029 10 54426 39 1640 2 2490153 275
2015-16 5663 7 21281 17 1925 1 2431752 249
2016-17 7327 3 28694 25 300 1 2763167 259
2017-18 8563 6 10173 13 1707 2 2433347 253
2018-19 10783 7 9266 10 2422 4 1773249 219
(b) Yes, Sir. Details of studies conducted by Gujarat Maritime Board are given in Annexure.
(c) Details of total fatalities, injuries and work related illnesses during last five years, as reported by ship recycling centres, are as follows:
(i) There have been no cases of fatalities or injuries or work related illnesses in the ship recycling facilities at Kolkata and Kannur (Kerala).
(ii) There has been only one case of fatality in Mumbai during the year 2016-2017.
(iii) Details regarding the ship recycling yard at Alang-Sosiya are as follows:
Year Fatalities Injuries Work-related illnesses
2014-15 13 25 As informed by Gujarat Maritime Board, no records in this regard are available as workers are being treated by the doctors suggested by respective plot holders as and when necessary.
2015-16 5 12
2016-17 10 9
2017-18 7 12
2018-19 9 19
Annexure to the reply to part (b) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No:4174
Details of studies undertaken by GMB for improving Ship Recycling Activity
Studies Objectives Status Outcome of the Studies
1. Ecological Restoration and Planning for Alang-Sosiya Ship-breaking Yard-1997 by Gujarat Ecological Society To know ecological status and pollution potential in the Alang coast No change in local vegetation pattern and pollution potential is low in inter tidal area Solid waste management is recommended.
2. Modernization of Solid Waste Management Practices in Alang & Sosiya Ship Breaking Yard – 1998 by P U Asnanai Quantification of solid waste and identification of alternative sites for landfills General Waste Management Plan is drawn Three sites were identified
3.Environmental Impact Assessment for selection of final site for Solid & Hazardous Waste Management Facility for Alang-Sosiya Ship Breaking Yards-1999 by Multi Media Consulting Engineers To comply with regulatory requirement, Environment Impact Assessment of the identified sites were commissioned Final Landfill Site in survey No.325/1/1 at Manar is selected through public hearing with other legal process State Pollution Control Board notified the site for development of TSDF.
Accordingly, GMB procured the land.
4. Comprehensive Waste Management Plan - 2000-01 by Engineers India Ltd. Characterization and quantification of wastes, Design of TSDF and tender documents First time in the Globe, Proper Quantification & Properties of Ship Recycling Wastes are done, Landfill is constructed, which is under operation since 2005 and operated in compliance with Hazardous waste management rules enacted from time to time.
5. CRZ study to get the CRZ permission for the LPG Godowns at Alang To get the CRZ clearance to set up the LPG Godowns at Alang to utilize it for cutting operation Statutory compliance CRZ clearance was obtained in 2000 from DoE&F, GoG. Risk Assessment and management plan is implanted for safety of the LPG cylinders storages as per prevailing rules of explosives, Department of Explosive.
6.Monitoring of Various Env Parameters at Alang through CSMCRI-GoI during 2005 Monitoring of environmental parameters of ambience of Alang Pollution potential in terms of water, air and soil are within the prescribed norms EMP was suggested for further monitoring which GPCB is implemented for protection of marine and coastal environment at Alang..
7. Health Risk Assessment of Ship Recycling Labors in 2007 by National Institute of Occupational Health ICMR institution To check up prevalent pattern of occupational diseases among ship recycling workers Results are not alarming since exposure of workers are limited for asbestos handling and other critical work streams. Hazard prone operations in ship recycling in view of certain Risk were identified and suggested certain preventive measures and implemented. Viz Asbestos which are prone to occupational hazard is now handled as pre suggested method and proper PPEs are used which prevents direct expose to such hazards
8.Rapid EIA Studies for Supply & Installation of Incinerator for 5 MT/day capacity by SENES in 2011-12 Upgradation of various SHE infrastructure and modules to operate the yard After public hearing, report was submitted to MOEF, New Delhi and GMB obtained EC in 2013. GMB obtained Env Clearance for the same. The Incinerator at Alang has been operated as per EMP approved in Environmental Clearance granted by MOEF&CC complying with Air Pollution Control Norms of emission from chimney.
9.Green initiatives i.e. episodic environment impact assessment of various ship by CESE-IITB. Capacity building among the stack holders to enhance the technique of safe and environmentally sound the ship recycling Report is available with GMB for implementation. Accordingly to the Time Motion Study undertaken by IITB, use of mixture of Butane , Propen and Oxygen could be more optimized for optimizing plate cutting with minimization of work zone particulate concentration. In puts for preparation of ship specific dismantling plan and episodic environmental management on ship wise is suggested for implementation.
10. EIA Study by MECON for upgradation of Existing Ship Recycling Yard to cater Safe & Environmentally Sound Ship Recycling at Alang To get the EC/CRZ Clearance for upgradation of existing ship breaking yard EC & CRZ clearance accorded by MoEF&CC for the upgradation project. EIA study report suggests the environmentally sound practices at Alang. MECON has drawn Environment Management and work procedures for curbing environmental pollution and risk to the workers in carrying ship recycling.
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