Question : Rakshak Security System

(a) whether cases of maintenance workers being run over by trains while patrolling the tracks are increasing day by day and if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether the Railways had constituted a committee of general managers to suggest ways to improve the working condition of trackmen including their uniform and tool kit;

(c) if so, whether the aforesaid committee has submitted its recommendations and if so, the action taken on these recommendations;

(d) whether there is a proposal to deploy ‘Rakshak’ type protection system on the entire high density network on a crash basis and if so, the details thereof;

(e) the time by when the Rakshak type protection system will be introduced on entire network; and

(f) the other measures taken by the Union Government for the safety of trackmen?

Answer given by the minister



(a) The cases of maintenance workers being run over by trains while patrolling the tracks has decreased from 102 in the calendar year 2015 to 77 in the calendar year 2017.

(b) and (c) A committee of General Managers of South Central Railway, Central Railway and Northern Railway, and, Executive Director, Transformation Cell, Railway Board as Member Secretary was constituted to review supply of Uniform and Tool Kits to Trackmen/Keymen. The Terms of References of the Committee included measures that may be necessary to improve the working of Trackmen/Keymen. The Committee has submitted its recommendations. Based on the report of the Committee, Board has issued instructions to all Zonal Railways on 05.02.2018 related to Dress Allowance; Uniform and Protective Gears; Tools and Equipment; Mode of Procurement; Rakshak and Gang Tool cum Rest Room related to Track Maintainers.

(d) and (e) A work of Very High Frequency (VHF) based Approaching Train Warning System (Rakshak type) on Golden Quadrilateral and its diagonals on Indian Railways has been sanctioned in Works Programme 2018-19. Trials of this system have been undertaken on five Zonal Railways in one section of Senior Section Engineer each. Rakshak type system is new upcoming technology. Deployment of this system over Indian Railways depends on successful completion of trial.

(f) Other measures taken by Indian Railways for safety of the track maintainers include counselling by field staff, organizing safety seminars, periodical medical examination of field staff, providing warning hooters, retro reflective jackets for better visibility during nights, protective shoes, etc.


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