Question : PM-KISAN Scheme in Assam

(a) whether the Government has details of the number of small and marginal farmers in Assam and if so, the details thereof;
(b) whether the Government has details of the number of small and marginal farmers enrolled under PM-KISAN Scheme in Assam since 2019 and if so, details thereof;
(c) the amount distributed under PM-KISAN in Assam since 2019;
(d) whether the Ministry has taken cognizance of the Assam Government’s admission in the Gauhati High Court that 11.72 lakh ineligible farmers received PM-KISAN benefits in 2020;
(e) if so, whether the Ministry has ordered an inquiry into the same;
(f) the steps taken to recover the money thus distributed; and
(g) the number of ineligible farmers who received payments under the scheme all over the country since 2019, year-wise and State-wise and the amounts recovered thus far?

Answer given by the minister


(a): As per the information collected in Agriculture Census 2015-16, number of small and marginal operational holders in Assam were about 4.95 lakh and 18.68 lakh respectively.

(b): PM-KISAN Scheme is extended to all landholding farmer families in the country, the information on number of small and marginal beneficiaries farmers is not separately maintained.

(c): Since the inception of the PM-KISAN Scheme, as on 16.03.2022, an amount of Rs. 2277.28 Crore has been released to eligible beneficiaries of Assam.

(d) to (f): No such communication has been received in the Ministry. However, on the PM-KISAN portal, Assam Government has marked 13,38,563 beneficiaries as ineligible under the scheme. For the cases where the benefits have been passed on to ineligible farmers, a refund mechanism has been devised and the Standard Operating Procedure (SoP) has been shared with the States/UTs to recover the amount from ineligible farmers.

(g): State-wise details of the number of ineligible farmers who have received benefits under PM-KISAN is given in Annexure. So far Rs. 2,96,63,36,600 have been recovered from such ineligible farmers.

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