(a) the production, in tonnes, by each subsidiary of Coal India Limited (CIL) including the South Eastern Coalfields Ltd. (SECL) during each of the last three years and the curent year, subsidiary-wise;

(b) the quantum and value of coal imported by CIL and its subsidiaries during the said period, subsidiary-wise; and

(c) the effective steps taken by the Government to improve the quality of domestic coal and check its imports?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The details of actual coal production by the subsidiaries of CIL as also for SECL for the last three years are given below:

	(in million tonnes)	2010-11	2011-12	2012-13	2013-14 Upto June 2013	Actual Prod.	Actual Prod.	Actual Prod	Actual Prod
ECL 30.803 30.558 33.901 8.057
BCCL 29.004 30.203 31.211 7.962
CCL 47.521 48.004 48.054 10.066
NCL 66.253 66.401 70.021 14.023
WCL 43.654 43.11 42.287 10.178
SECL 112.705 113.837 118.218 29.080
MCL 100.280 103.118 107.895 23.441
NEC 1.101 0.602 0.604 0.067
Total for CIL 431.32 435.83 452.191 102.874

(b): The Coal India Limited and its subsidiaries have not been importing coal. However, as per the current import policy of the Government, coal is under Open General License (OGL) and users are allowed to import coal as per their requirement.

(c)&(d): In order to improve the quality of coal, CIL and its subsidiaries are adopting various measures that include the following:-

a) Selective Mining by Surface Miners and adopting Clean Coal Technology;

b) Appropriate positioning of over burden and coal benches to avoid contamination;

c) Scrapping / cleaning of coal benches before blasting;

d) Installation of metal detectors/magnetic separators over conveyors before loading coal;

e) High capacity coal handling plant to dispatch sized/ uniform quality of coal at major projects;

f) Establishment of well equipped laboratories at projects for regular quality assessment;

g) Shale picking at mine face, stocks and loading points/ sidings for consistent quality;

h) Installation of Auto Mechanical Samplers (AMS) at all silo loading points

i) Joint sampling facility to consumers having annual requirement of 0.4 million tonnes and above.