Question : Cancellation Charges

(a) whether the Government contemplates to reduce cancellation charge or fix it in case of cancellation or delay of flight during air travel;

(b) if so, the time by which it is likely to be done and if not, the reasons therefor;

(c) the number of flights cancelled/delayed from Nagpur and Udaipur Airport during the last three years and the current year, year-wise;

(d) whether there is any provision to refund entire amount of ticket to air passengers in case the flight does not land at the airport where it should and is diverted to some other airport due to some reason, if so, the details thereof; and

(e) the number of incidents of flight diversion came into light during the last three years?

Answer given by the minister

The Minister of State in the Ministry of CIVIL AVIATION
(Shri Jayant Sinha)

(a) & (b): Under the provision of Sub Rule (1) of Rule 135, Aircraft Rules 1937, airlines are free to fix reasonable tariff having regard to all relevant factors, including the cost of operation, reasonable profit generally prevailing tariff and the characteristics of service including cancellation charges of pre booked air ticket also. Detail of the cancellation charges established by the Indian carries is placed at Annexure-1. ;
DGCA has issued Civil Aviation Requirements (CAR) Section 3 Series ''M'' Part II titled "Refund of Airline Tickets to Passengers". Under the provision contained at Para 3(h) of the said CAR, under no circumstances, the airline shall levy cancellation charge more than basic fare plus fuel surcharge.;;

(c): Number of flights cancelled/delayed from Nagpur and Udaipur Airport during the last three years is given below:;
Year .........Delayed Flight............Cancelled Flight
2016.................57 ...........................38
Data till 12.03.2018.

(d): No such provision is specified in CAR Section 3, Series ''M'' Part II titled "Refund of Airlines Tickets to Passengers" issued by DGCA. ;;

(e): The number of incidents of flight diversion are as follows:

Year ......... In Nagpur................ In Udaipur
2016.................38 ...........................23

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