Question : Production of Lignite

(a) the details of grade, quantity and value of lignite produced from various operational mines in Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited during the last three years and the current year along with its value in international market, year-wise;

(b) the total income earned during the above period;

(c) the measures taken by the Government to produce more quantity of high grade lignite from NLC;

(d) the total quantity and quality of lignite supplied to the thermal power stations during the said period together with its performance in generation of power; and

(e) the steps taken by the Government to provide adequate infrastructural logistic and technological facilities to NLC Limited?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): NLCIL lignite is classified as G 15 to G 16 grade based on the calorific value of the fuel.

The quantity and value of Lignite produced from various operational lignite Mines of NLC India Limited (NLCIL) during the last three years and current year along with its value of production and total income earned during the corresponding last three years is given as under:
Unit 2016-17
Upto Feb.’2017 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14
Lignite Production
(Million Tonnes) Value of production
(Rs Cr) Lignite Production
(Million Tonnes) Value of production
(Rs Cr) Lignite Production (In Million Tonnes) Value of production
(Rs Cr) Lignite Production (In Million Tonnes) Value of production
(Rs Cr)
Mine-I 7.928 2175.87 9.101 2066.85 9.055 2121.46 9.003 1353.78
Mine-IA 2.380 658.49 2.817 677.17 2.915 559.72 3.001 547.51
Mine-II 12.383 3222.64 12.309 2840.87 13.221 2431.06 13.052 2332.81
Mine-Barsingsar 1.241 161.06 1.224 115.11 1.352 102.62 1.553 149.37
Total 23.932 6218.06 25.451 5700.01 26.543 5214.86 26.609 4383.47
Total Income (Rs. Cr) 7610.21 7194.20 6796.97 6991.99

Lignite cannot be transported for a long distance due to spontaneous firing nature of lignite. Further, Lignite excavated from NLCIL Mines is not exported nor lignite from other countries is imported.

(c): NLCIL is implementing the following projects to augment its lignite production:
i. Expansion of Mine-I (Area Expansion) & Expansion of Mine-IA from 3 MTPA to 7 MTPA, Neyveli, TN.

ii. Bithnok Lignite Mine(2.25 MTPA),Rajasthan.
iii. Hadla Lignite Mines (1.9 MTPA), Barsingsar, Rajasthan.
iv. Barsingsar Mine Expn (0.40 MTPA),Rajasthan.
v. Mine-III (11.50 MTPA), Neyveli, TN.
vi. Palayamkotai & South of Vellar (11.50 MTPA), TN.

(d): The total quantity of lignite (thermal grade quality) supplied to the thermal power stations during the last three years are as below
(In MT)
Particulars of consumption in TPS 2016-17(upto Feb.’2017) 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14
TPS-I 5.205 4.863 5.331 5.930
TPS-I Exp 3.107 3.342 3.449 3.341
TPS-II 10.875 11.515 12.021 12.150
TPS-II Exp 1.556 1.056 0.346 0.047
TPS-Barsingsar 1.262 1.313 1.352 1.479

Performance in generation of power
Particulars of Generation of TPS
(In MU) 2016-17
(upto Feb.’2017) 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14
Generation MU PLF % Generation MU PLF % Generation MU PLF % Generation MU PLF %
TPS-I 3328.89 69.21 3160.98 59.98 3631.05 69.08 4058.14 77.21
TPS-I Exp 3024.24 89.83 3268.16 88.59 3385.03 92.00 3292.10 89.48
TPS-II 10005.05 84.91 10583.15 81.96 11131.33 86.44 11179.16 86.81
TPS-II Exp 1296.94 32.36 851.46 -- 199.57 - 21.01 -
TPS-Barsingsar 1307.20 65.23 1285.57 58.54 1380.71 63.05 1438.24 65.67
Wind Power 89.44 -- 24.02 -- 1.44 -- -- --
Solar 15.31 -- 8.87 -- -- -- -- --
Total 19067.07 -- 19182.21 -- 19729.13 -- 19988.65 --

(e): NLCIL is mining lignite and operates pit head power generating stations. As on date, NLCIL is operating three open cast Lignite mines at Neyveli with a production capacity of 28.5 Million Tonnes Per Annum. In all the mines, following infrastructural, logistic and other technologies are used:
• Specialised Mining Equipments (SMEs) viz. Bucket Wheel Excavators (BWE), Mobile Transfer Conveyors (MTC)
• System of Conveyors and Spreaders for excavation and transportation of lignite and overburden.
• Mechanized Conventional Mining Equipment technology comprising of Shovel & Dumper combination Wireless based centralized monitoring operation and control system in one of the benches of Mine-IA.
• PLC based automation system for Mine-I Lignite bunker.
• Implementation of Variable Voltage Variable Frequency (VVVF) drives in Specialized Mining Equipments and Conveyors.
• Introduction of Programmable logic control (PLC) based dynamic loading system in conveyor systems for conservation of energy.
• Introduction of slope failure prediction technique.
• Introduction of simulator for safe operation of SMEs.


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