Question : Benefit of Agricultural Schemes to Farmers in Delhi

(a) whether farmers in Delhi receive all benefits of the schemes of the Union Government that all other farmers across India are entitled for and if not, the reasons therefor;

(b) whether the Government has a record of the total number of farmers in Delhi and total area of agricultural land in Delhi, if so, the details thereof; and

(c) the share of Delhi in total annual agriculture revenue of the country for the last ten years?

Answer given by the minister


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(a): Agriculture is a State Subject. However, Government of India facilitates the State Governments through many Centrally Sponsored and Central Sector Schemes for the welfare of farmers in the country on an all India basis. Farmers in Delhi are entitled to benefits of many of the schemes of the DAC&FW including Support to State Extension Programmes for Extension Reforms, Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana-RAFTAAR, Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana, Interest Subvention Scheme, Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanisation, In-situ Management of Crop Residue, PM-KISAN, Sub-Mission Seed and Planting Material, Mission on Integrated Development of Horticulture, Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana etc. However, assistance under these schemes are based on the Annual Action plan submitted by State Governments. During the last five financial years the Delhi Government availed financial assistance once during the year 2017-18 to the tune of Rs. 4.7 crore under the Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY).


(b): As per the decennial Census conducted by the Registrar General of India, the total number of cultivators in Delhi in 2011 were 33398. Moreover, the operated area of Delhi as per the results of Agriculture Census 2015-16 (Phase-I) is 28974.82 hectares (provisional).
(c): The share of Delhi in total annual agriculture revenue of the country for last ten years is not centrally maintained. However, a statement indicating share of Agriculture Gross State Value Added (GSVA) of Delhi to the Agriculture Gross Value Added (GVA) of the Economy as per the New Series with Base Year 2011-12 is as follows:-

(Rs. In Crore) (Percentage)
Year Delhi All India Share of Agriculture GSVA of Delhi to the Agriculture GVA of Economy
2011-12 2857 1501947 0.19
2012-13 2236 1524288 0.15
2013-14 2085 1609198 0.13
2014-15 1815 1605715 0.11
2015-16 1662 1616146 0.10
2016-17 1713 1717467 0.10
2017-18 1856 1803039 0.10
2018-19 2157 1855632 0.12
Source: CSO, MoSPI


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