(a) whether several children are working in Lock Industry in Aligarh even after the ruling of Supreme Court to this effect;

(b) if so, the number of them working at present in Lock Industry and also hazardous Industries in other State particularly in Tamil Nadu;

(c) the action taken against the employers engaging children;

(d) whether the Government propose to take immediate steps to stop engaging the children in Lock Industry and also to undertake welfare project for these children; and

(e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (e): As per the information received from the State Government of Uttar Pradesh, in accordance with the orders of the Hon`ble Supreme Court in Writ Petition 465/1996 M.C. Mehta Vs State Govt. of Tamil Nadu, three surveys have been conducted to identify child labour in 1997-98, 1998-99 and 1999-2000. Thereafter migration of children has taken place from organised to home based industry. As per the surveys a total of 1511 child labourers have been idntified out of which 623 are engaged in hazardous occupations. Prosecutions have been launched against 260 employers and orders for recovery of Rs. 20,000/- per child have been issued. District Child Labour Abolition Committees have been constituted under the chairmanship of the District Magistrates. Awareness generation activities have been taken up. Under the scheme of National Child Labour Projects 30 specials school/rehabilitation centres are under implementation in Aligarh for coverage of 2500 chi ldr withdraw n from work. A total of 2212 children have been mainstreamed to formal schools. Besides the above, priority has been given to the families of child labourers in the welfare schemes being implemented at the district level.
As per the information received from the State Government of Tamil Nadu, according to a survey conducted in April,1997 and supplemental survey 10,110 child labourers were identified in hazardous industries. 8799 cases were filed against the employers found employing child labourers during the survey.