(a) whether the Unorganised Workers Social Security Act (UWSSA), 2008 was enacted and implemented to provide social security to unorganised workers/labourers;

(b)if so, whether there has been significant development on registration of unorganised workers/labourers under said Act;

(c) if not, the reasons therefor alongwith the remedial steps taken by the Government in this regard;

(d) the present status of implementation of said Act at Centre sphere and State sphere, State-wise;

(e) whether the Government has conducted any study regarding the implementation and impact of benefits of said Act on the target beneficiaries; and

(f) if so, the details and the outcome thereof alongwith the steps taken by the Union Government to remove the difficulties faced in effectively implementation of said Act in the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d): With a view to providing social security to unorganized workers, the Government enacted the Unorganised Workers’ Social Security Act, 2008. The Act came into force w.e.f. 16.05.2009. The Act provides for registration of unorganized workers which would help in formulating social security schemes for particular occupations. At present smart cards are being issued to such unorganized workers and their families as are below poverty line under the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana to provide health insurance cover. More than 1.44 crore smart cards have been issued as on 20.4.2010. The Central Rules under Act have since been framed and National Social Security Board has been constituted. As per information available, some States have already constituted the Social Security Board in their States. As per available information, the States have not yet started registration of workers under the Act. The issue has been taken up with the State Governments through letters and was reiterated during the State Labour Ministers’ Conference.

(e) & (f): No such survey has been conducted as the implementation has just begun. It is the constant endeavor of the Government to implement the Act in its true spirit.