(a) to (c) : The utilization of installed capacity of a
generating unit is linked to the type of power station. While the
thermal units are meant to be utilized continuously as base-load
units, hydro units are to be utilized depending on availability of
water / reservoir level. Thus, utilization of installed capacity is
effectively applicable to thermal (including nuclear) generating
units and is expressed in terms of Plant Load Factor (PLF). The
PLF of thermal and nuclear units mainly depends on a number of
factors such as vintage of the unit, forced and planned outages,
availability of required quality and quantity of fuel and receipt of
schedule from beneficiaries etc. During the last three
years, the average PLF of thermal power plants has declined
from 77.5% (2009-10) to 73.3% (2011-12), primarily due to
shortage of coal and delay in stabilization of newly
commissioned units and receipt of low schedule from
beneficiaries. However, the average PLF of nuclear power
plants has increased from 51.1% (2009-10) to 76.9% (2011-12).
Indicator of performance of hydro generating unit is its
availability (excluding the time required for its planned
maintenance and attending to forced outages) and actual
energy generation (vis-Ã -vis design energy) which is mainly
dependent on natural factors like monsoon and snow melting.
List of hydro power stations which are not generating as per
their generation capacity is given at Annex.
(d) : The Sector-wise Plant Load Factor (PLF) of thermal
and nuclear generating units in the public and private sector
during the last three years and the current year are given below:
Sector 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 (April 12)#
Central Sector 85.49 85.12 82.12 82.21
State Sector 70.90 66.72 68.00 71.67
Private Sector IPP 85.68 83.47 67.27 67.90
Private Sector Utilities 82.41 76.70 76.19 82.13
Central sector 51.08 65. 40 76.90 81.52
# Provisional