(a) the details of total renewable energy potential of the country from various sources, source-wise;

(b) the details of various schemes, programmes being undertaken by the Government for the development of renewable energy sources, scheme-wise and State/UT-wise;

(c) the details of the target fixed for the generation of power from various renewable energy sources and the achievements made thereon during each of the last three years, State/UT-wise and energy source-wise;

(d) the details of the financial and other incentives and subsidy provided for promoting power generation from said sources; and

(e) the steps proposed to be taken by the Government for harnessing the energy potential of renewable energy sources, source-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a): A potential of about 2,45,000 MW power generation has been estimated from various renewable energy sources in the country. This includes over 1,00,000 MW each from Wind and Solar Energy, 20,000 MW from Small Hydro Power and balance 25,000 MW from Bio-energy sources.

(b): The Ministry is implementing various schemes/programmes, throughout the country, for the development and harnessing the potential of new and renewable energy sources. Details of these schemes/programmes are given at Annexure-I.

(c): The details of targets and achievements made from various renewable energy sources during the last three years are as follows:

 Year	Target	Achievement 2011-12	3435	4942.59 2012-13	4125	3163.35 2013-14	4325	3618.79 TOTAL	11885	11724.73 
State-wise targets for the power generation from renewables are not fixed. Source-wise, year-wise and state-wise achievements made during the last three years are given at Annexure-II.

(d): The details of the central financial assistance/subsidy being provided for power generation from renewable energy sources are given at Annexure-III. The Government is also providing various fiscal incentive such as generation based incentives, accelerated depreciation, concessional excise and customs duties for the promotion of renewable energy sources in the country.

(e): Besides providing financial and fiscal incentives, a few other measures to promote renewable energy include: setting up of demonstration projects, preferential tariff for purchase of power generated from renewable sources, intensive resource assessment, development of power evacuation and testing facilities, introduction of Renewable Energy Certification and Renewable Purchase Obligation, etc. Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency, a Central Public Sector Enterprise under this Ministry, also provides soft term loan for promotion of renewable energy projects.

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