Question : Devolution to States

(a) the details of the total money owed by the Government of Odisha to the Union Government directly or indirectly during the last three years
(b) the details of the rate of interest on the above borrowings along with the principal
amount repaid during the said period;
(c) the details of borrowings made by other States during the said period;
(d) the details of the revenue or tax collection in the form of direct and indirect taxes as contribution to the Central Government along with the per capita tax devolution, State!UT-wise during the said period; and
(e) the funds allocated as per the Finance Commission by the Government as loans and
grants during the said period, State/UT-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Detail of loan owed by the Government of Odisha is as under:

(fin crore)

Year National Small
Savings Fund
(NSSF) Loans Externally Added
Projects (EAP) Loans Total
2014-15 1442.59 528.60 1971.19
2015-16 2110.43 738.82 2849.25
2016-17 0.0.0 902.98 902.98

(b) Rate of interest for NSSF and EAP loans is 9.5% and 9% respectively. The detail of repayment (Principal and Interest) of Odisha Government for last three years is as under:
(tin crore)


(c) Detail ofborrowings made by all States during last 3 years is enclosed as Annex ''A''.

(d) State-wise collection of Taxes I Duties is not maintained since Central taxes like Income Tax, Customs duty, Central Excise duty, Service Tax etc. are collected by different offices of the concerned Department irrespective of the State where the transaction which occasioned the tax liability took place. However, the details of revenue collected
through Central Taxes I Duties during last three years are given below:
(tin crore)

Year Direct Tax Indirect Tax
2014-15 (Actuals) 695797 544157
2015-16 (Actuals) 741944 709825
2016-17 (Revised Estimates) 847097 851869

Tax devolution to Union Territories does not fall in the purview of Finance Commission. However, tax devolution to States'' as per Finance Commission recommendation regarding vertical distribution for the period from 2014-15 to 2016-17 are enclosed as Annex ''B''.

(e) 13th and 14th Finance Commission had not recommended loan to any State Government.
Further, grants to Union Territories do not fall in the purview of Finance Commission. However, the grants released to State Governments during the period from 2014-15 to
2016-17 are enclosed as Annex ''C''.


Annex ''A'' Details of Loans given by Government of India to State I Union Territory (With Legislature) Governments
in crore)
Sl. States 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Loans Loans Loans Loans Loans Loans

1 2 3 4=2+3 5 6 7=5+6 8 9 10=8+9
1 Andhra Pradesh 1099.35 695.41 1791.76 1639.10 685.17 2324.27 0.00 814.25 814.25
2 Arunachal 79.15 0.00 79.15 136.39 0.00 136.39 141.70 0.00 141.70
3 Assam 1324.73 49.66 1374.39 1899.84 50.49 1950.33 0.00 57.36 57.36
4 Bihar 3944.84 718.25 4663.09 3306.54 817.97 4124.51 0.00 1507.38 1507.38
5 Chhattisgarh 658.81 8.44 667.25 712.23 145.03 857.26 0.00 381.29 381.29
6 Goa 115.22 202.88 318.10 165.07 111.56 276.63 0.00 91.87 91.87
7 Gujarat 2774.00 323.39 3097.39 4265.09 252.56 4517.65 0.00 191.07 191.07
8 Haryana 1251.31 130.76 1382.07 1721.40 97.24 1818.64 0.00 129.59 129.59
9 Himachal ! 1101.98 125.31 1227.29 1307.17 59.31 1366.48 0.00 101.30 101.30
10 Jammu & 574.44 12.15 586.59 694.10 17.21 711.31 0.00 24.70 24.70
11 Jharkhand 772.68 138.83 911.51 1131.55 150.73 1282.28 0.00 234.29 234.29
12 Karnataka 1435.98 1365.20 2801.18 2738.07 1271.02 4009.09 0.00 1917.93 1917.93
13 Kerala 1132.10 752.47 1884.57 1455.20 531.35 1986.55 1861.22 852.14 2713.36
14 Madhya Pradesh 1913.87 1372.23 3286.10 1883.72 1326.12 3209.84 2518.25 1266.67 3784.92
15 Maharashtra 2982.36 587.12 3569.48 4017.78 575.97 4593.75 0.00 634.80 634.80
16 Manipur 28.99 0.00 28.99 55.54 0.00 55.54 0.00 16.04 16.04
17 Megbalaya 99.31 3.63 102.94 88.32 2.23 90.55 0.00 4.28 4.28
18 Mizoram 30.31 4.89 35.20 22.34 3.80 26.14 0.00 6.84 6.84
19 Nagaland 16.98 0.13 17.11 33.77 0.14 33.91 0.00 0.26 0.26
20 Odisha 1442.59 528.60 1971.19 2110.43 738.82 2849.25 0.00 902.98 902.98
21 Punjab 2045.16 561.92 2607.08 2981.48 265.33 3246.81 0.00 654.94 654.94
22 Rajasthan 1347.49 794.11 2141.60 1299.72 1749.12 3048.84 0.00 3455.35 3455.35
23 30.01 3.31 33.32 31.44 3.02 34.46 0.00 3.34 3.34
24 Tamil Nadu 1443.74 1517.09 2960.83 2027.77 1367.37 3395.14 0.00 1859.74 1859.74
25 Telangana 783.53 86.37 869.90 1061.65 920.88 1982.53 0.00 956.12 956.12
26 Tripura 182.07 5.20 187.27 254.88 5.93 260.81 0.00 3.61 3.61
27 Uttar Pradesh 8626.38 485.98 9112.36 7752.05 593.86 8345.91 0.00 1031.08 I 031.08
28 Uttarakhand 1399.58 61.00 1460.58 1901.22 97.01 1998.23 0.00 145.44 145.44

29 West Bengal 7711.96

1362.99 9074.95 8738.41 658.95 9397.36 0.00 518.94 518.94

30 Delhi 1764.32 0.00 1764.32 3290.05 0.00 3290.05 2896.21 0.00 2896.21
31 Puducherry 18.05 0.00 18.05 26.63 0.00 26.63 0.00 0.00 0.00

TOTAL 48128.29

11897.32 60025.61

58748.95 12498.19 71247.14 7417.38

17763.60 25180.98

Annex ''B''

Statement showing year-wise releases of States'' Share of Union Taxes and
Duties made to the State Governments
in crore)
Sl.No. State 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
1 Andhra Pradesh 13692.42 21893.79 26263.88
2 Arunachal Pradesh 1109.98 7075.58 8388.30
3 Assam 12283.71 16784.88 20188.64
4 Bihar 36963.07 48922.68 58880.59
5 Chhattisgarh 8363.03 15716.47 18809.16
6 Goa 900.54 1923.76 2299.20
7 Gujarat .. 10296.35 15690.43 18835.39
8 Haryana 3548.09 5496.22 6597.47
9 Himachal Pradesh 2644.17 3611.17 4343.70
10 Jammu & Kashmir 4477.23 7813.48 9488.60
11 Jharkhand 9487.01 15968.75 19141.92
12 Kamataka 14654.25 23983.34 28759.94
13 Kerala 7926.29 12690.67 15225.02
14 Madhya Pradesh 24106.99 38397.84 46064.10
15 Maharashtra 17602.97 28105.95 33714.90
16 Manipur 1526.95 3142.42 3757.13
17 Meghalaya 1381.69 3276.46 3911.05
18 Mizoram 910.67 2348.11 2800.63
19 Nagaland 1062.69 2540.72 3032.63
20 Orissa 16181.21 23573.75 28321.49
21 Punjab 4702.97 8008.90 9599.73
22 Rajasthan 19817.14 27915.93 33555.86
23 Sikkim 809.33 1870.28 2233.30
24 Tamil Nadu 16824.03 20353.86 24537.76
25 Telangana 9795.40 12350.72 14876.61
26 Tripura 1730.13 3266.02 3909.12
27 Uttar Pradesh 66622.91 90973.66 109427.46
28 Uttarakhand 3792.30 5333.19 6411.57
29 West Bengal 24594.93 37163.93 44625.16
TOTAL 337808.45 506192.96 608000.31

Annex ''C''

Finance Commission Grants to States during 2014-15 to 2016-17
in crore)
Sl. No. State 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
1 And.bra Pradesh 3518.13 8198.88 7342.03
2 Arunachal Pradesh 795.13 102.77 ., 171.13
3 Assam 1130.39 2943.97 1728.92
4 Bihar 3191.54 2875.94 3967.15
5 Chhattisgarh 1334.83 968.30 1254.99
6 Goa 261.42 20.77 21.46
7 Gujarat 2499.37 2065.06 3117.92
8 Haryana 1084.49 709.42 1443.51
9 Himachal Pradesh 1108.88 8436.15 8795.97
10 Jammu & Kashmir 2751.25 10489.22 11138.99
11 Jharkhand 1623.77 1095.44 1601.30
12 Kamataka 3194.43 1741.44 2773.16
13 Kerala 1693.77 5171.46 4954.78
14 Madhya Pradesh 2441.78 2618.15 3874.12
15 Maharashtra 5557.44 3926.81 5262.80
16 Manipur 1827.44 2125.28 2177.48
17 Meghalaya 752.74 639.60 557.50
18 Mizoram 1055.00 2165.84 2330.88
19 Nagaland 2003.15 3212.00 3460.00
20 Orissa 1698.73 1678.21 2384.91
21 Punjab 1862.73 747.32 1329.56
22 Rajasthan 3934.14 2732.32 3950.75
23 Sikkim 515.48 46.34 65.80
24 Tamil Nadu 3757.28 2380.74 3263.76
25 Telangana 2110.15 1077.80 1663.68
26 Tripura 1001.96 1174.55 1205.11
27 Uttar Pradesh 5900.76 4850.65 8405.83
28 Uttarakhand 681.92 494.33 620.18
29 West Bengal 2525.21 9890.03 6686.65
Total 61813.32 84578.79 95550.30

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