(a) the current status of installation of ATM machines/Core Banking Solutions/ internet kiosks with net banking facilities for the Post Office Saving Bank account holders to complement the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, State-wise;

(b) whether the Government proposes to set up Post Bank of India by converting extensive network of post offices in the country;

(c) if so, the details/salient features thereof alongwith the time by which it is likely to be set up and formal banking services are likely to be started in all post offices;

(d) the number of rural areas which are deprived of post offices in the country and the time by which the new post offices are likely to be set up at such places along with the targets, if any, set up for setting the said post offices, location-wise; and

(e) the number of rural and urban areas in which new post offices have been opened during each of the last three years and the current year?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Currently, the Post office Savings Bank has not been included to complement the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana. The present status of installation of ATM machines/ Core Banking Solutions/Internet Kiosks with net banking facilities for the Post Office Saving Bank account holders is as given in Annexure-I.

(b) No Madam. The Government does not propose to convert the extensive network of Post Offices in the country into a Post Bank of India. However, Department of Posts has applied to the Reserve Bank of India, for license, for setting up a Payment Bank, which may utilize a part of existing resources/infrastructure of the Department.

(c) Does not arise in view of (b) above.

(d) India has the largest network of 1,39,182 rural post offices and one of the dense networks of post offices in the world. All the Gram Panchayats and villages in the country have all the postal facilities. However, not all the Gram Panchayats/villages have post offices located within their boundaries. The Circle-wise number of Gram Panchayats without post offices (as on 31.03.2014) is at Annexure-II.

Opening of post offices in rural and urban areas is taken up as an ongoing activity under the Plan Scheme –“Rural Business & Access to Postal Network”. The new post offices are opened through redeployment of posts and relocation of post offices. Department has laid down some norms for the opening of post offices. These norms are qualificatory in nature. Relevant considerations like nature of terrain, population to be served, viability, distance from existing post offices etc. are incorporated in these norms. The new post offices are opened subject to fulfillment of aforesaid norms and availability of funds and other resources.

It has been decided to open 400 new Branch Post Offices in rural areas by relocation and redeployment of existing post offices and staff under the Plan Scheme during current 12th Plan Period. 172 Branch Post Offices have already been opened during 2012-13 and 2013-14. The target for opening of new Branch Post Offices by relocation and redeployment of existing post offices and staff during current financial year is 80. The location for opening of new post offices are decided by Postal Circles considering proposals received for opening of new post offices, availability of funds, fulfillment of prescribed norms, feasibility, etc.

(e) Number of Branch Post Offices (BOs) and Sub-Post Offices (SOs) opened by relocation & redeployment of the existing post offices & staff during each of the last three years and current year [upto 31.01.2015] is as under:

 Year	BOs	SOs 2011-12	79	62 2012-13	92	56 2013-14	80	94 2014-15 [upto 31.01.2015]	46	53 
All the Branch Post Offices have been opened in rural areas and Sub Post Offices opened in urban & semi urban areas.

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