(a) the total number of proposed Petroleum, Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment Regions (PCPIRs), since 2005. that have failed to take off and the reasons therefor;

(b) the total number (PCPIRs) proposed to be developed so far by the Government and the funds allocated/released for the purpose, State–wise;

(c) whether PCPIR project at Paradeep, Odisha and other States have been approved by the Government;

(d) if so, the details thereof and the present status thereon and the time by which PCPIR project is likely to be made functional; and

(e) whether the Government has taken any steps to promote investments for the project and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d) : The Government of India has approved setting up four PCPIRs in the States of Andhra Pradesh (Vishakhapatnam – Kakinada), Gujarat (Dahej), Odisha (Paradeep) and Tamil Nadu (Cuddalore – Nagapattinam). These PCPIRs are at different stages of implementation. As per PCPIR Policy 2007, PCPIRs are infrastruc- ture driven projects wherein Government of India provides support for development of external physical infrastructure linkages e.g. rail, road, port, airport, telecom through Viability Gap Funding (VGF). Budgetary allocation may also be provided wherever required. As per the app- rovals of Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA), VGF support of Rs. 80.50 crore for Gujarat, Rs. 716 crore for Odisha, Rs. 1206.80 crore for Andhra Pradesh and Rs. 1146 crore for Tamil Nadu has been approved for different infrastructure projects. Rs. 1500 crore have been approved as budgetary support for Tamil Nadu. No VGF funding has been released to any of the State so far. PCPIRs are the projects with long gestation period and may take around 15-20 years to achieve full potential.

(e) : The PCPIR projects are already functional and realization of full potential is a gradual process. The Government has set up Steering Committees for monitoring the implementation of PCPIRs in various states. The PCPIRs have been promoted in domestic and international forum through exhibition, road shows and interaction with industry associations in order to attract investments.

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