(a) the criteria followed by the Union Government for allocation of funds under Indira Awas Yojana to the States and Union Territories;

(b) the funds allocated to the States during each of the last three financial years and for 2005-2006, State-wise; and

(c) the district-wise number of houses constructed in the State under IAY during each of the last three financial years and proposed to be constructed during 2005- 2006, State-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The funds under the Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) are allocated to the States/Union Territories on the basis of poverty ratio and housing shortage by giving equal weightage to both the indicators. The poverty ratios prepared by the Planning Commission are used for this purpose while housing shortage is determined on the basis of the Census Data provided by the Registrar General of India.

(b) Details of year-wise and State-wise funds allocated to the States/Union Territories during each of the last three financial years and for 2005-2006 under the Indira Awaas Yojana is at Annexure- I.

(c) Details of district-wise number of houses constructed in the State under IAY during each of the last three years are being compiled. The State-wise number of houses, which are proposed to be constructed during 2005-2006 under the IAY, is at Annexure – II.

Annexure - II as referred to in reply to part (c ) of the Lok Question No. 6236 due for reply on 6.5.2005

Statement showing state wise number of houses proposed to construct during the year 2005-06 under the Indira Awaas Yojan

(Unit in Nos)

Sl.No.	Name of the State/UTs	Nos of houses proposed	to construct during	2005-06 1 ANDHRA PRADESH 113147 2 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 4351 3 ASSAM 100724 4 BIHAR 309111 5 CHHATTISGARH 27825 6 GOA 907 7 GUJARAT 54145 8 HARYANA 11932 9 HIMACHAL PRADESH 4195 10 JAMMU & KASHMIR 8658 11 JHARKHAND 57428 12 KARNATAKA 52847 13 KERALA 27336 14 MADHYA PRADESH 57777 15 MAHARASHTRA 90586 16 MANIPUR 4838 17 MEGHALAYA 7100 18 MIZORAM 1580 19 NAGALAND 4755 20 ORISSA 79726 21 PUNJAB 14020 22 RAJASTHAN 36092 23 SIKKIM 1220 24 TAMIL NADU 57437 25 TRIPURA 9929 26 UTTAR PRADESH 201623 27 UTTARANCHAL 10483 28 WEST BENGAL 102213 29 A&N ISLANDS 1013 30 D&N HAVELI 256 31 DAMAN & DIU 121 32 LAKSHADWEEP 146 33 PONDICHERRY 599 T O T A L 1454120