Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:
(a) whether the Supreme Court had directed the Union Government to constitute a nodal agency to monitor and trigger search engines to crack down on online pre-natal sex determination advertisements, if so, the details thereof;
(b) whether the nodal agency is required to receive complaints about illegal online advertisement under the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act of 1994 and communicate the tip-offs to online search engines like Google, Yahoo and Microsoft, which would delete these advertisements within 36 hours of getting the information, if so, the details thereof;
(c) the steps taken by the Government to constitute a nodal agency which would give advertisements on TV, radio and in newspapers;
(d) the details of inspections conducted at clinics/hospitals/medical centres for ultra-sonography for the last three years;
(e) whether the Union Government has taken action against several medical professionals against female foeticide, if so, the details thereof;
(f) whether the Government is aware that several State Governments have filed cases against such doctors, if so, the details thereof; and
(g) the steps taken to counsel families against female foeticide and infanticide details of trainings/education camps conducted in this regard?