Question : E-Waste

(a) the estimated e-waste generated in the country as on May 2016, State-wise;
(b) the action taken by the Government against violators of the provisions under e-waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2011;
(c) the details of financial assistance provided to implement the Ministry''s ''Creation of Management Structure for Hazardous Substances'' scheme; and
(d) the steps/measures taken by the Government to improve the abysmally low number of e-waste recyclers/dismantlers in the country during the last three years?

Answer given by the minister



(a)Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in 2005, estimated 1.46 lakh ton of e-waste generation in the country which was expected to exceed 8 lakh ton by 2012. As per the United Nations University report, “The Global E-Waste Monitor 2014”, 17 lakh ton of e-waste generation was reported in the country in 2014. No comprehensive State-wise inventorization of e-waste generation in the country has been done.

(b)CPCB has undertaken many steps for enforcement of e-waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2011 which include general directions to all State Pollution Control Boards, directions to producers for compliance of the provisions related to reduction of hazardous substance of the Rules, 2011, general directions to Ministries in Government of India and Public Sector Undertakings for implementation of the provision relating to the disposal of the e-waste. In addition, directions have been issued under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 to Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board, Delhi Pollution Control Committee and to District Magistrate of Moradabad in UP for immediate closure of all illegal and unauthorized e-Waste recycling units operating in Loni, Behta, Hajipur and Rahul Garden area of Uttar Pradesh; Mandoli and Seemapuri areas of Delhi; and Moradabad in UP, respectively.

(c) The scheme titled ‘Creation of Management Structure for Hazardous Substances’ is a Central Sector Scheme being implemented by this Ministry, under which Rs 5.00 crore was allocated during the FY 2015-16 and Rs.4.5 crore is the allocation during current financial year

(d) The number of registered dismantler/recyclers in the country has increased from 91 to 151 during last three years. The combined capacity of these 151 dismantling /recycling units located in 13 states is 446855 metric ton per annum. However, the Ministry has comprehensively revised e-waste (Management & handling) Rules, 2011 and notified e-Waste (Management) Rules in March, 2016 to ensure better implementation of management of e-waste in the country. The new Rules provide for multiple measures to facilitate setting up of dismantling / recycling facilities for e-waste. These include simplified procedure of authorization which is now on the basis of Standard Operating Procedures (SoP) prescribed by Central Pollution Control Board, responsibility upon State Governments to earmark and allocate space / shed for e-waste dismantling and recycling facilities in the existing and upcoming industrial parks, estate and industrial clusters, to undertake industrial skill development and putting in place measures for safety and health of the workers engaged in e-waste dismantling and recycling facilities. Further, for resource recovery through recycling, Ministry is coordinating with Department of Electronic and Information Technology, which has already undertaken few initiatives such as Research and Development programmes for recycling technology for extraction of precious metals, plastics and glass, up-scaling innovative technologies, demonstrations through pilot plants and technology transfer.


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