Question : Effect of Climate Change on Milk Production

(a) whether it is true that climate change may hit milk output by over 3 million tonne per year by 2020, if so, the details thereof;
(b) whether it is also true that country’s milk production has been steadily increasing with 2015-16 recording an output of 160MT, if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether it is also true that as per market research reports the value of the Indian market for milk and milk products is expected to grow 15% annually, if so, the facts thereof; and
(d) whether it is also true that India is self-sufficient in milk and world’s largest milk producer accounting for about 18% of the world’s milk production, if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister




(a) As informed by Indian Council of Agricultural Research no study on effect of climate change on milk production in Indian cows has been conducted by ICAR. However, under Chapter 24 of ICAR published book entitled “Global Climate Change and Indian Agriculture – case studies from the ICAR Network Project” the following has been mentioned:

“Increased heat stress associated with global climate change may, however, cause distress to dairy animals and possibly impact milk production. Temperature-Humidity Index was used to relate animal stress with productivity of milk of buffaloes, crossbred and local cows. These studies indicated that India loses 1.8 million tonnes of milk production at present due to climatic stresses in different parts of the country. Global warming will further negatively impact milk production by 1.6 million tonnes by 2020 and more than 15 million tonnes by 2050. High producing crossbred cows and buffaloes will be impacted more than indigenous cattle. Northern India is likely to experience greater impact of global warming on milk production of both cattle and buffaloes in future”.

(b) During last 5 years the milk production in India is steadily rising by CAGR of 5 percent and reached 155.5 million metric tonnes in 2015-16.

(c) As per International Market Analysis Research & Consulting (IMARC) 2015 report, the total Indian market for milk and milk products is expected to grow by about 15% between 2014 and 2020.

(d) Yes, India is self sufficient in milk and is world’s largest milk producer. During, 2015-16 India’s milk production was 155.5 million tonnes which is 19.15 % of world milk production of 812.1 million tonnes.


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