Question : Women Welfare

(a) whether the Government proposes to unveil several policy changes directed at women’s welfare across the country;
(b) if so, the details thereof and the steps to overcome the current issues related to women’s welfare and the funds allocated in this regard; and
(c) if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (c) : Women’s welfare and empowerment of women is of utmost priority to the Government of India. The Government endeavours to put in effective mechanism for ensuring welfare of women through policy framework. Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India is implementing various major schemes for empowerment and protection for women which are as under :

• Mahila Shakti Kendra Scheme has been launched to empower rural women by community participation through Student Volunteers.
• SwadharGreh Scheme is for relief and rehabilitation of women in difficult circumstances.
• Ujjawala Scheme is being implemented for prevention of trafficking and for rescue, rehabilitation, re-integration and repatriation of victims of trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation.
• Working Women Hostels is for ensuring safe accommodation for working women away from their places of residence.
• BetiBachaoBetiPadhao (BBBP) Scheme is being implemented in 640 districts (as per census 2011) to improve Child Sex Ratio (CSR) and address related issues of empowerment of women on a lifecycle continuum.
• One Stop Centre scheme is for facilitating access to an integrated range of services including police, medical, legal and psycho-social support and temporary shelter to women affected by violence.
• Universalisation of Women Helpline scheme is intended to provide 24 hours emergency and non-emergency response to women affected by violence.
• Mahila Police Volunteers scheme is for providing a public-police interface through women volunteers to violence affected women.

An amount of Rs.1330.00 crore has been allocated during the year 2019-20 under the Umbrella scheme ‘Mission for Protection and Empowerment of Women’.

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