(a) the details of Women and Child Development Projects being implemented in the North Eastern States;

(b) the details of financial allocation for those projects during the last three years, year-wise, State-wise and Project-wise;

(c) the present status of those projects;

(d) whether the funds provided for such projects to State Governments and various voluntary organisations are properly utilised; and

(e) if not, the steps taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a),(b)&(c) The names of women and child development schemes being implemented in North-Eastern States, expenditure incurred and status of the projects are provided in Annexure. The details of the schemes are available in the Annual Report of the Department for the year 2001-02, copy of which is in the library of Lok Sabha.

(d)&(e) Various monitoring and evaluation mechanism have been put in place to ensure that the funds allocated under different programmes are utilized properly. Action has been taken against defaulting organizations whenever any case of misutilization of funds has been established.


Statement reffered in Part (b) & (c)of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 2345 for 03.12.2002 (Ammount released-Rs. In lakh)

Sl.No. Name of the 1999- 2000- 2001- Cumuletive Status (for the	State/Ut 2000 2001 2002 last 3 Years)
1 2	3 4 5 6
ICDS-General No. of Operational ICDS Blocks
1 Arunachal 817.00 681.00 1895.39 49 Pradesh 2 Assam 2211.00 5070.97 6188.61 151 3 Manipur 840.48 1254.75 901.07 34 4 Meghalaya 535.00 664.97 1060.15 32 5 Mizoram 535.66 868.85 572.95 21 6 Nagaland 1245.00 1941.60 1907.00 52 7 Sikkim 129.75 156.01 192.35 5 8 Tripura 646.06 630.98 1481.36 36
Udisha- ICDS- Training No.of AWWs trained Programme
1 Arunachal 50.00 75.00 1558 Pradesh 2 Assam 75.00 125.00 55.00 5200 3 Manipur 20.00 33.00 60.00 4 Meghalaya 5.00 40.00 45.00 1255 5 Mizoram 5.00 20.00 45.00 550 6 Nagaland 15.00 50.00 50.00 993 7 Sikkim 5.00 234 8 Tripura 20.00 5.00 40.00 1476
Balika Samriddhi Yojana No. of Beneficiaries
1 Arunachal 6.21 2.50 36538 Pradesh 2 Assam 143.66 105.00 46220 3 Manipur 7.65 10.75 5.50 4360 4 Meghalaya 11.90 5257 5 Mizoram 2.05 5.00 2.50 3744 6 Nagaland 3.54 1.25 1102 7 Sikkim 2.17 1.25 731 8 Tripura 11.60 8.50 4.25 11640
Swyamsidha (Started 2000-01 No. of Block Projects Sanctioned
1 Arunachal 3.16 2.05 Pradesh 2 Assam 7.68 17 3 Manipur 2.41 7.00 1 4 Meghalaya 2.91 15.60 3 5 Mizoram 2.41 N.A 6 Nagaland 3.16 14.00 4 7 Sikkim 2.41 7.00 1 8 Tripura 2.41 7.00 N.A
(Amount released Rs. In lakhs)
Sl.No Name of the 1999- 2000- 2001- Cumuletive Status(for the . State/Ut 2000 2001 2002 last 3 Years) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Awareness Generation No. of Camps Held Projects
1Arunachal Pradesh 4.70 3.91 7.90 265 2Assam 6.53 11.87 19.55 418 3Manipur 4.72 2.33 113 4Meghalaya 1.31 3.34 15.07 178 5Mizoram 3.50 3.84 11.97 176 6Nagaland 3.39 4.06 15.11 206 7Sikkim 0.70 3.85 12.53 158 8Tripura 2.96 3.07 9.74 151
Condensed Courses of Education & Vocational No. of Women Beneficiaries Training
1Arunachal Pradesh 5.26 4.97 8.11 300 2Assam 26.48 10.44 1850 3Manipur 10.79 375 4Meghalaya 1.4 4.05 5.60 350 5Mizoram 4.71 7.18 600 6Nagaland 4.2 14.4 700 7Sikkim 0.44 1.37 1.47 100 8Tripura 1.44 6.14 3.89 375
Socio-Economic Programme Mahila Shakti Melas Organised

1Arunachal Pradesh 2.00 ‘-Do- 2Assam 5.50 -Do- 3Manipur 2.00 -Do- 4Meghalaya 2.50 -Do- 5Mizoram 4.00 -Do- 6Nagaland 3.00 -Do- 7Sikkim 1.50 -Do- 8Tripura 4.57 -Do-
Stort Stay Homes No. of Homes Sanctioned
1 Arunachal 3.02 6.07 4.91 5 Pradesh 2 Assam 12.06 24.58 30.05 25 3 Manipur 7.57 9.82 12 4 Meghalaya 5 Mizoram 6 Nagaland 4.69 2.54 4 7 Sikkim 2.34 1.84 2 8 Tripura 9.12 6.75 13.33 12

(Amount released Rs. In lakhs)
Sl.No Name of the 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 Cumuletive Status(for . State/Ut the last 3 Years) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Support to Training-cum- Employment Programme No. of Women

(STEP) Benneficiaries
1 Arunachal Pradesh 2 Assam 153.80 10000
3 Manipur 51.53 24.64 26.91 2000 4 Meghalaya 9.03 500 5 Mizoram 6 Nagaland 28.28 32.95 35.44 3350 7 Sikkim 39.43 1000 8 Tripura 94.58 17.55 840
Women`s Economic Programme No. of Women Beneficiaries
1 Arunachal Pradesh 6.41 0.45 150 2 Assam 6.47 48.94 20.58 2055 3 Manipur 16.30 33.52 6.16 2695 4 Meghalaya 7.36 300 5 Mizoram 21.90 625 6 Nagaland 3.02 4.00 11.17 490 7 Sikkim 8 Tripura 30.82 0.57 425
Working Women`s Hostels No. of Hostels Sanctioned
1 Arunachal Pradesh 6.05 11.71 10 2 Assam 4.99 18.13 12.72 14 3 Manipur 17.54 6.50 21.62 14 4 Meghalaya 3 5 Mizoram 3 6 Nagaland 13.26 10.56 44.64 14 7 Sikkim 2 8 Tripura 1
Creche Schemes No. of Beneficiaries
1 Arunachal Pradesh 12.83 13.24 25.15 2450 2 Assam 252.43 25.50 30.24 5675 3 Manipur 32.71 4.99 5.63 1475 4 Meghalaya 2.50 3.46 36.33 3650 5 Mizoram 25.60 25.00 30.84 4225 6 Nagaland 4.43 22.60 6.74 7875 7 Sikkim 16.93 23.00 26.8 3125 8 Tripura 46.09 56.91 12.2 7575