he steps taken/ proposed to be taken for achieving higher growth rate of the economy covering the next decade?
he steps taken/ proposed to be taken for achieving higher growth rate of the economy covering the next decade?
India has followed the model of development planning in terms of Five Year Plans.
The Five Year Plans are further split into Annual Plans so as to fine tune the short run
policy measures and the Mid-Term Appraisal highlights the progress made together
with the suggestions about the corrective steps needed. The Eleventh Five Year Plan
took cognizance of the multi-dimensional aspects of development and adopted
inclusive growth as the main objective of development planning. Acknowledging the
strengths of the Indian economy as well the internal/external constraints, the
Approach Paper to the Twelfth Five Year Plan aims to achieve faster, sustainable and
more inclusive growth targeting an average annual growth rate of 9 percent. The
Approach Paper highlights various strategies and steps needed to achieve the targeted
growth rates in different sectors such as it recognizes the need for higher levels of
investments in agriculture both by the public and private sector which can yield better
results if the reforms are undertaken to streamline the incentive structures for the
farmers and the institutional frameworks in which agriculture and related activities
take place. Seeds and irrigation have been identified as the priority areas for raising
the productivity on the supply side. On the demand side, the need to remove most of
the controls that have denied a unified and seamless all India market for most
agriculture products have been identified as key priority areas in the Twelfth Five
Year Plan. In the manufacturing sector issues like improving in the global
competitiveness, development of physical infrastructure, role of small and medium
enterprises, skilled workforce etc. have been identified as the priority areas. It focuses
on strengthening the social sectors such as education and health and environmental
concerns for sustainable economic growth and contains a comprehensive vision for
inclusive economic growth in the country in the years ahead. The Approach Paper to
the 12th Plan as approved by the National Development Council (NDC) is available
on the website of the Planning Commission i.e. planningcommission.nic.in.