Question : Pending Funds under MGNREGA

(a) whether the State Government of Andhra Pradesh has sought assistance from the Union Government for release of the pending funds under MGNREGA to the State;

(b) the details of the funds released so far and the quantum of pending funds to be released; and

(c) the reasons for delay in releasing funds to Andhra Pradesh under MGNREGA?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 (MGNREGA) is a demand driven wage employment Scheme. The Ministry releases funds to the State/UT based on the basis of the agreed to Labour Budget, opening balance, pending liabilities of the previous year for the financial year, if any, and overall performance. Fund release to States/UTs is a continuous process and Central Government is committed in making funds available keeping in view the demand for work. During FY 2019-20 (as on 11.07.2019), Rs. 3893.79 crore has been released to the State Government of Andhra Pradesh under the MGNREGA.


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