Question : Integrated Scheme for Development of Silk Industry

(a) the funds sought under the detailed action plan by the States for the implementation of Integrated Scheme for Development of Silk Industry (ISDSI), State-wise including Gujarat for the last three years; and

(b) the amount sanctioned by the Government with reference to the said proposals and details of the amount yet to be given to the States?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): The State-wise details of proposals received including from Gujarat and funds released by Central Silk Board, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India under the Scheme “Silk Samagra”- an Integrated Scheme for Development of Silk Industry during last three years (2018-19 to 2020-21) are given in Annexure. There is no fixed allocation for each state under the scheme. The release of funds is made considering the Quantity of raw silk produced by the state, Utilization of funds released during previous years, requirement & viability of the components proposed by the state and budgetary allocation.

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