Question : GROWTH RATE

(a) the sector-wise growth rate fixed by the Union Government to be achieved during The financial year 2009-10;

(b) the reasons for shortfall/achievement/overshooting of each such target;

(c) the targets fixed for the financial year 2010-11; and

(d) the steps taken or proposed to be taken to achieve the targets for achievement fixed in each sector of the economy?

Answer given by the minister


(a to d): The Government has not explicitly fixed any yearly targets for sector-wise growth. The Indian economy is estimated to have grown at 7.2 per cent in the year 2009-10 as per the latest data Advance Estimates (AE) of the Centra! Statistical Organisation (CSO). The sector-wise growth rates as per the Advance Estimates are given in the table below.

Percentage change in 2009-10 over previous year

AE Agriculture, forestry and fishing -0.2
Mining & quarrying 8.7
Manufacturing 8.9
Electricity, gas & water supply 8.2
Construction 6.5
Trade, hotel, transport and communication 8.3
Financing, insurance, real estate & business services 9.9
Community, social & personal services 8.2
GDP at Factor Cost 7.2

Source: CSO