(a) whether the Government has implemented the projects envisaged under Provision of Urban facilities in Rural Areas scheme in various States in the country including Haryana on pilot basis;

(b) if so, the details thereof indicating the items of work and services covered under the project;

(c) the names and credentials of each agencies or consortiums entrusted with execution indicating their selection process followed in chronological order;

(d) the steps taken by the Government to check the complaints of corruption in the effective implementation of the scheme; and

(e) the number of people benefited by way of employment as well as training under the scheme?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (e): A statement is laid on the table of the house


(a): Provision of Urban Amenities in Rural Areas (PURA) Scheme aims at holistic and accelerated development of compact areas around a potential growth centre in a Gram Panchayat (or a cluster of Gram Panchayats) through Public Private Partnership (PPP) framework for providing livelihood opportunities and urban amenities to improve the quality of life in rural areas.

Two PURA pilot projects of the first set of 9 pilot projects have been launched in Kerala. There is no project for Haryana under this set of pilot projects.

(b): As per the guidelines for the 1st set of pilot projects the following items of works and services can be taken up under the scheme:

Amenities to be provided	Amenities to be	Add-on Projects
under Ministry of Rural	provided under	(Revenue earning,
Development and Ministry	Schemes of other	people centric
of Drinking water and	Ministries	projects)
Sanitation Schemes	(Illustrative)	(Illustrative)
1. Water and Sewerage	1. Village Street	1. Village linked tourism
2. Drainage	Lighting	2. Integrated Rural Hub,
3. Solid Waste Management	2. Telecom	Rural Market.
4. Construction and maintenance	3. Electricity, etc.	3. Agri – Common
of Village Streets	Services Centre,
5. Skill Development	Warehousing, etc.	4. Any other rural-	economy based project
(c) The list of agencies / consortiums selected for preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPRs) under 1st set of pilots is as under:
S. No.	State	District	Cluster	Agency / consortium
1	Kerala	Malappuram	Thirurangadi	Infrastructure Kerala	Limited (INKEL)
2	Thrissur	Thalikulam	Infrastructure Kerala	Limited (INKEL)
3	Andhra Pradesh	Krishna	Ibrahimpatnam &	Megha Engineering and	Kondapalli	Infrastructure Ltd (MEIL)
4	Warangal	Parvathagiri	SVEC Constructions	Limited (SVEC)
5	Rajasthan	Jaipur	Sanganer	Infrastructure Leasing &	Financial Services	Limited (IL&FS)
6	Rajsamand	Khamnor	Infrastructure Leasing &	Financial Services	Limited (IL&FS)
7	Uttarakhand	Dehradun	Markham Grant	Infrastructure Leasing &	Financial Services	Limited (IL&FS)
8	Maharashtra	Sangli	Samdoli, Kavatepiran	SREI Infrastructure	Dudgaon, Tung and	Finance Limited (SREI)	Kasabedigraj
9	Puducherry	Karaikal	TR Patinam &	MARG	Neravi
The selection of private developers is done through an open competitive bidding process. An Expression of Interest (EOI) is called from reputed infrastructure development companies through an open advertisement. The interested bidders submit their responses on the basis of which short- listing is done. Response of EOIs is evaluated vis-à-vis the pre-qualification criteria as laid out in the EOI.

The Request for Proposal (RFP) document is issued to the shortlisted bidders. The list of qualified bidders (of EOI stage) is circulated to all the State Governments to facilitate their obtaining requisite clearance during the Request for Proposal (RFP) stage. The shortlisted bidders submit their detailed proposal which includes Concept plan along with the consent / clearance from the participating Gram Panchyat(s) and the concerned State Governments. At the stage of submission of bids in response to RFP, the bidders are evaluated on their technical capability and assigned scores as per the pre-approved evaluation methodology. The proposal / concept plan received from various bidders are evaluated by Inter-ministerial Project Screening and Monitoring Committee (PSMC) and scored and ranked as per criteria set out in the RFP document. The top ranked bidders are selected and mandated to prepare DPRs. The PSMC appraises the DPRs for correctness and accuracy. Based on the views and comments of State Government, DPRs and Capital Grant is sanctioned by the inter-Ministerial Empowered Committee (EC) and prescribed agreements are executed. While two PURA projects in Kerala have been launched, the remaining seven are at various stages of evaluation.

The state governments participate in PURA by providing consent / clearance to the proposals of short-listed bidders, by providing their views / comments as well as recommendations on the DPR prepared by bidders, by signing the State Support Agreement and by contributing in the deliberation of PSMC and EC, where they are members.

(d): In order to ensure proper monitoring and supervision of performance by private developers, an Independent Engineer (IE) is appointed for each PURA cluster of Gram Panchyat(s) to supervise and monitor performance during the project life cycle. An appropriate grievance redressal mechanism exists under the chairmanship of the concerned District Magistrate / Deputy Commissioner /Collector of the district where the PURA project is being implemented, for handling local level grievances.

(e): Under the PURA projects launched in Kerala training and employment component has not yet been operationalised.