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(a) & (b): Agriculture is a State subject. Therefore, the State Governments take appropriate measures for development of agriculture sector including agro-based industries. However, the Government of India supplements the efforts of the States through appropriate policy measures, Missions/schemes and budgetary support.
Further, for promotion and development of food processing sector in the country, the Ministry of Food Processing Industries is implementing various Central Sector Schemes, namely (1) Scheme for infrastructure Development for Food Processing having components of Mega Food Park, Integrated Cold Chain, Value Addition & Preservation Infrastructure and Modernization of Abattoirs (2) Scheme of Technology Up-gradation/ Establishment/ Modernization of Food Processing Industries (spill-over liabilities) (3) Scheme for Quality Assurance, Codex Standards, Research & Development and Other Promotional Activities (4) Scheme for Human Resource Development (spill-over liabilities) and (5) Scheme of Strengthening of Institutions.
(c): This Ministry has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs) with various developing and developed countries for cooperation in the field of Agriculture and its allied sectors to promote best & innovative practices in Agriculture resulting in better productivity, production at farmers’ field for ensuring food security and enhancing contribution of agriculture sector in the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP). External assistance sought/provided by the countries with whom India has signed MOU in agriculture and allied sectors is generally in the form of mutual exchange visits of scientists, mutual exchange of technical expertise, exchange of germ/plasm, transfer of technology, setting up of centres of excellence in different field to demonstrate new technologies etc.
(d) & (e): The Government is taking various initiatives in this connection such as:-
(i) The All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Post-Harvest Engineering & Technology (PHET) under Indian Council of Agricultural Research (lCAR) has provided technical guidance to cottage scale Agro¬-Processing Centres, which have come up in rural / semi-¬urban areas in various states.
(ii) Technological support is being provided to various organizations such as National Horticultural Board (NHB), Food Corporation of India (FCI), Small Farmers'' Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC), etc. in the form of consultancy and joint studies to promote agro processing activities for the benefit of the farmers.
(iii) The Government is promoting custom hiring of farm equipment in the districts whose economy depends on agriculture. It also helps in promotion of farm mechanization which results in establishment of farm machinery industry in the districts.
(iv) The entrepreneurship development programs are regularly conducted by the institutes such as Central Institute of Post-Harvesting Engineering & Technology (CIPHET), Ludhiana, Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering (CIAE), Bhopal etc. to promote agro processing in rural catchments. The technical know-how related to fabrication and maintenance of farm machinery is also provided to farmers and entrepreneurs.
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