Question : Periodic Training Programmes on Mines Safety

(a)whether the Directorate of Mines Safety has been conducting periodical training programmes or workshops for employers and employees;
(b)if so, the details thereof;
(c)whether apart from miners, such preventive and safety training courses are also imparted to/conducted for allied personnel engaged in the operation of systems like conveyor belts, dumpers and excavators etc.; and
(d)if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Directorate General of Mines Safety has been conducting training programmes for key officials of the mines like Agents, Managers, Asst. Managers, Safety officers, Colliery Engineers, Overmen/Foremen, Ventilation officers & Workmen''s Inspectors (including mechanical, electrical and mining).

(b): Details of the training programmes conducted for key officials of the mines during last 5 years are given in table below:

Year wise details
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Number of Key officials of the mines trained 199 200 302 295 40
Number of Workshops conducted - - 2 2 3
(c) & (d): Training courses for the personnel engaged in operation of conveyor belt, dumpers and excavators etc. are covered under Mines Vocational Training Rules 1966 which is imparted at Vocational Training Centres, established by mining companies.

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