Question : Promote Employment in Tribal Areas

(a) the details of schemes being run by the Government to promote employment in the tribal areas, State-wise and district wise;
(b) the number of families benefited by these schemes during the last five years, State-wise and district-wise;
(c) if so, the details of funds spent by the Government in this regard so far, State-wise and district-wise; and
(d) the amount spent so far in Tonk and Sawai Madhopur districts of Rajasthan, along with the number of children to whom training has been imparted so far along with the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (d): Ministry of Tribal Affairs is implementing following schemes to promote employment in the areas with significant tribal population in all States / UTs with notified STs including Rajasthan:

(i) Pradhan Mantri Janajatiya Vikas Mission having two components viz (a) Institutional Support for Marketing and Development of Tribal Products/Produce; (b) Mechanism for Marketing of Minor Forest Produce (MFP) through Minimum Support Price (MSP) and Development of Value Chain for MFP;
(ii) "Marketing and Logistics Development for Promoting Tribal Products from North -Eastern Region"
(iii) Support to National/State Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporations (NSTFDC/STFDC).
(iv) Venture Capital Funds for STs which is scheduled to take off from 2022-23.
Under the scheme ‘PMJVM’, Ministry of Tribal Affairs provides funds for procurement of minor forest produce (MFP) on minimum support price to provide a safety net to the tribals by providing a fair deal in the trade of minor forest produces. Further, Van Dhan Vikas Kendra are set up through Tribal Co-Operative Marketing Development Federation of India (TRIFED), which targets employment generation for tribals by harnessing the wealth of forest i.e. Van Dhan. Under this programme, tribal community owned Minor Forest Produce (MFP) centric multi-purpose Van Dhan Vikas Kendras (VDVKs) are set-up in the areas with significant tribal population. The Kendras act as common facility centres for procurement cum value addition to locally available Minor Forest Produce. Value addition of raw produce is expected to increase the value of the MFP considerably and consequently the income of the gatherers. During last three years, MFPs worth Rs. 342 Crores have been procured in the tribal areas of 16 States which have benefitted more than 10 Lakhs MFP gatherers. TRIFED has also sanctioned 3,225 Van Dhan Vikas Kendras (VDVKs) associated with 9.63 Lakh beneficiaries in 25 States and 3 UTs. State-wise No. of VDVKs sanctioned with beneficiaries since its inception in the States / UTs including Rajasthan are at Annexure 1.
Under the component "Institutional Support for Development and Marketing of Tribal Products/Produce'' of the PMJVM Scheme, TRIFED undertakes activities to create opportunities for the Scheduled Tribes for providing a sustainable livelihood by providing institutional support for marketing of their artifacts and products including skill development to tribal artisans. During the last five years TRIFED has benefitted 3,27,218 number of families under the scheme of Institutional Support for Development and Marketing of Tribal Products/Produce.

Details of funds sanctioned to States and TRIFED under the component Schemes of PMJVM during last three years are at Annexure 2.
The scheme "Marketing and Logistics Development for Promoting Tribal Products from North -Eastern Region" has been approved during 2021-22 for two years which aims to strengthen livelihood opportunities for tribal artisans through increased efficiency in procurement, logistics and marketing of tribal products.
The prominent schemes for undertaking income generation activities by National Scheduled Tribe Finance Development Corporation (NSTFDC) are given below:
• Term Loan Scheme: NSTFDC provides Term Loan for viable projects costing upto ?50.00 lakh per unit. Under the scheme, financial assistance is extended upto 90% of the cost of the project and the balance is met by way of subsidy/ promoter contribution/ margin money.
• Adivasi Mahila Sashaktikaran Yojana (AMSY): This is an exclusive scheme for economic development of Scheduled Tribes Women. Under the scheme, NSTFDC, provides loan upto 90% for projects costing upto ?2.00 lakh. Financial assistance under the scheme is extended at highly concessional rate of interest of 4% per annum.
• Micro Credit Scheme for Self Help Groups (MCF): This is an exclusive scheme for Self Help Groups for meeting small loan requirement of ST member. Under the scheme, the Corporation provides loans upto ?50,000/- per member and maximum ?5 Lakh per Self Help Group (SHG).
• Adivasi Shikha Rrinn Yojana : This is an Education loan scheme, under this financial assistance is extended to eligible STs for pursuing professional and technical courses including Ph.D in India.
Details of funds provided by NSTFDC to the States / UTs including Rajasthan during last five years are at Annexure 3.

The scheme of ''Venture Capital Funds for STs'' has been approved during 2021-22. It aims to promote entrepreneurship among the Scheduled Tribes and to provide concessional finance to them.

No specific data is available with Ministry regarding number of children trained under these schemes. No funds have been spent so far in Tonk and Swai Madhopur districts of Rajasthan under MFP Development , Handicraft & Income Generation Activities.

Annexure 1
Annexure 1 referred to in reply to part (a) to (d) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. † 5244 for answer on 04.04.2022

Details on 3,225 Van DhanVikas Kendra sanctioned in 25 States and 03 UTs including Maharashtra :

Sl. No. State No. of VDVKs sanctioned No. of VDSHGs established No. of Beneficiaries Amount Sanctioned (Rs in lakhs) Amount Released(Rs in lakhs) Training completed by VDVKs
1 Andhra Pradesh 415 6225 123258 6162.9 3604 198
2 Arunachal Pradesh 85 1275 25500 1275 637 0
3 Assam 302 7140 92119 4530 2640 128
4 Chhattisgarh 139 4170 41700 2085 2085 139
5 Dadra Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 1 15 302 15 15 0
6 Goa 10 150 3000 150 82.5 0
7 Gujarat 116 1740 34424 1721.2 1721.2 2
8 Himachal Pradesh 4 76 1110 55.5 41.8 0
9 Jammu & Kashmir 100 1500 29791 1457 1457 0
10 Jharkhand 39 585 11601 569.7 569.7 39
11 Karnataka 140 1946 41748 2087.4 1186.2 28
12 Kerala 44 660 12038 597.25 396.125 8
13 Ladakh 10 150 3000 150 150 0
14 Madhya Pradesh 107 1605 32160 1605 1447.5 86
15 Maharashtra 264 3960 79350 3960 2460 0
16 Manipur 200 3000 60403 2996.8 2075.975 139
17 Meghalaya 39 585 11835 584.1 584.1 0
18 Mizoram 159 2385 46168 2306.55 1444.05 44
19 Nagaland 206 3090 61798 3089.9 2129.9 70
20 Odisha 170 4110 50094 2479.25 2374.25 46
21 Rajasthan 479 7322 144803 7135.6 3753.2 19
22 Sikkim 80 1200 23801 1169.05 1169.05 0
23 Tamil Nadu 8 192 2400 120 112.5 7
24 Telangana 17 255 5100 255 255 17
25 Tripura 32 480 8893 436.95 331.55 15
26 Uttar Pradesh 25 375 7238 359.55 209.55 12
27 Uttarakhand 12 180 3605 179.95 127.45 11
28 West Bengal 22 665 6719 329.35 329.35 0
Grand Total 3225 55036 963958 47863 33388.95 1008

Annexure 2
Annexure 2 refer to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. †5244 for 4.4.2022

1. ‘Institutional Support for Marketing and Development of Tribal Products/Produce’
(Rs. in lakhs)
Sl. No. State/
Institution 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
1 Andhra Pradesh - - 205.00
2 Chhattisgarh - - -
3 Kerala - 79.70 -
4 Odisha - 160.58 -
5 Rajasthan - 562.74 -
6 Tripura - - -
7 West Bengal 85.00 - -
8 Mizoram 696.00 - 795.00
9. Sikkim 219.00 - -
10 Maharashtra - 196.98 -
11 TRIFED 6250.00 11850.00 9500.00
Total 7250.00 1118.50 10500.00

2. ‘Mechanism for Marketing of Minor Forest Produce (MFP) through Minimum Support Price (MSP) and Development of Value Chain for MFP’
(Rs. in Crore)
Sl.No. Name of State/ Institution 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
1 Gujarat 6.19 - -
2 Madhya Pradesh 26.81 - -
3 Chhattisgarh 1.97 7.03 -
4 Andhra Pradesh 7.10 - -
5 Manipur 0.90 - 2.10
6 Nagaland 0.66 2.33 -
7 Uttar Pradesh 8.21 - -
8 Kerala 4.17 - -
9 West Bengal 6.57 - -
10 Karnataka 1.25 - 0.36
11 Assam 1.55 5.840 -
12 Tripura - 2.006 1.14
13 Tamil Nadu - - 2.60
14 Mizoram - - 0.92
TRIFED 31.47 147.43 75.74
TOTAL 96.85 164.636 82.86

Annexure 3
Annexure 3 referred to in reply to part (a) to (d) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. †5244 for answer on 04.04.2022

(? in lakh)


State Term Loan MCF AMSY ASRY Total

Amt. No. of benefi.
Amt. No. of benefi.
Amt. No. of benefi.
Amt. No. of benefi.
Amt. No. of benefi.
1 Andhra Pradesh 691.30 155 - - - - - - 691.30 155
2 Arunachal Pradesh 971.93 12014 44.80 292 - - - - 1016.73 12306
3 Assam - - 172.32 2982 - - - - 172.32 2982
4 Chhattisgarh 472.25 252 - - 22.50 51 11.72 4 506.47 307
5 Gujarat 1812.62 14868 - - 2000.00 10000 35.60 15 3848.22 24883
6 Himachal Pradesh 40.50 2068 - - - - 1.80 1 42.30 2069
7 Jammu & Kashmir 127.50 100 - - 45.00 50 - - 172.50 150
8 Jharkhand 403.31 3858 - - 7.50 50 1.10 - 411.91 3908
9 Karnataka - - - - - - - - 0.00 0
10 Kerala 125.86 143 - - 4.05 9 - 129.91 152
11 Madhya Pradesh 1084.70 942 - - - - - - 1084.70 942
12 Manipur - - - - - - - - 0.00 0
13 Meghalaya 244.64 983 - - - - - - 244.64 983
14 Mizoram 2277.87 26935 - - - - - - 2277.87 26935
15 Nagaland 79.50 22 - - - - - - 79.50 22
16 Odisha 128.37 255 25.23 240 - - - - 153.60 495
17 Rajasthan 1211.75 1257 - - 195.30 217 2.43 1 1409.48 1475
18 Sikkim 623.90 230 - - - - - - 623.90 230
19 Telangana - - 5000 21000 - - - - 5000.00 21000
20 Tripura 4365.83 3594 - - 45.00 50 17.48 4428.31 3644
21 Uttarakhand 21.60 18 - - - - - - 21.60 18
22 Uttar Pradesh - - - - - - - - 0.00 0
23 West Bengal 263.89 200 394.80 3948 14.94 166 73.97 56 747.60 4370
TOTAL 14947.32 67894 5637.15 28462 2334.29 10593 144.10 77 23062.86 107026


(? in lakh)


State Term Loan MCF AMSY ASRY Total

Amt. No. of benefi.
Amt. No. of benefi.
Amt. No. of benefi.
Amt. No. of benefi.
Amt. No. of benefi.
1 Andhra Pradesh 2961.24 598 - - - - - - 2961.24 598
2 Arunachal Pradesh 689.50 10410 - - - - - - 689.50 10410
3 Assam - - 19.06 123 - - - - 19.06 123
4 Chhattisgarh 1290.95 492 - - 54.00 60 3.90 1 1348.85 553
5 Gujarat 4737.64 10811 0.00 0 0.00 0 2.26 1 4739.90 10812
6 Himachal Pradesh 64.65 54 0.00 0 0.00 0 15.18 7 79.83 61
7 Jammu & Kashmir 349.35 172 - - 20.70 23 - - 370.05 195
8 Jharkhand 4.05 7 - - - - - - 4.05 7
9 Kerala 90.06 79 - - 5.66 9 - - 95.72 88
10 Madhya Pradesh 2155.20 2203 2.00 6 0.00 0 0.00 0 2157.20 2209
11 Meghalaya 663.25 2726 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 663.25 2726
12 Mizoram 3456.09 2347 - - - - - - 3456.09 2347
13 Nagaland 2574.19 631 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 2574.19 631
14 Odisha 191.00 311 119.87 1255 0.00 0 0.00 0 310.87 1566
15 Rajasthan 3327.79 2402 10.50 42 106.20 118 3.35 1 3447.84 2563
16 Sikkim 198.56 86 - - - - - - 198.56 86
17 Tripura 2927.88 3039 0.00 0 0.00 0 126.32 77 3054.20 3116
18 Uttarakhand 71.97 104 - - - - - - 71.97 104
19 Uttar Pradesh 301.32 847 - - - - - - 301.32 847
20 West Bengal 73.13 38 316.20 3162 7.20 80 132.11 47 528.64 3327
TOTAL 26127.82 37357 467.63 4588 193.76 290 283.12 134 27072.33 42369


(? in lakh)


Name of the State Term Loan MCF AMSY ASRY Total

Amt. No. of benefi.
Amt. No. of benefi.
Amt. No. of benefi.
Amt. No. of benefi.
Amt. No. of benefi.
1 Andhra Pradesh 781.72 139 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 781.72 139
2 Arunachal Pradesh 324.25 3773 - - - - - - 324.25 3773
3 Assam 4.92 12 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 4.92 12
4 Chhattisgarh 497.36 185 8.91 150 24.30 27 2.98 1 533.55 363
5 Gujarat 2329.32 7485 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 2329.32 7485
6 Haryana 0.41 1 - - - - - - 0.41 1
7 Himachal Pradesh 73.69 62 0.00 0 0.00 0 8.61 3 82.30 65
8 Jammu & Kashmir 1249.50 327 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 1249.50 327
9 Jharkhand 85.70 5 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 85.70 5
10 Karnataka 26.89 34 - - - - - - 26.89 34
11 Kerala 135.33 89 0.00 0 8.06 18 0.00 0 143.39 107
12 Madhya Pradesh 2014.57 2265 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 2014.57 2265
13 Maharashtra 9.43 11 - - - - - - 9.43 11
14 Meghalaya 546.63 1992 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 546.63 1992
15 Mizoram 4680.78 1801 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 4680.78 1801
16 Nagaland 1582.23 10504 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 1582.23 10504
17 Odisha 199.62 353 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 199.62 353
18 Rajasthan 1279.29 1155 0.00 0 186.75 208 4.50 1 1470.54 1364
19 Sikkim 0.92 1 - - - - - - 0.92 1
20 Tamil Nadu 47.32 65 - - - - - - 47.32 65
21 Telangana 477.15 417 10000.00 30000 0.00 0 0.00 0 10477.15 30417
22 Tripura 851.40 343 - - - - 157.60 86 1009.00 429
23 Uttarakhand 444.47 169 0.00 0 0.45 1 0.00 0 444.92 170
24 Uttar Pradesh 3.73 3 - - - - - - 3.73 3
25 West Bengal 265.34 172 949.10 8664 20.25 225 48.61 17 1283.30 9078
TOTAL 17911.97 31363 10958.01 38814 239.81 479 222.30 108 29332.09 70764


(? in lakh)


Name of the State Term Loan MCF AMSY ASRY Total

Amt. No. of benefi.
Amt. No. of benefi.
Amt. No. of benefi.
Amt. No. of benefi.
Amt. No. of benefi.
1 Andhra Pradesh 1285.03 276 - - - - - - 1285.03 276
2 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 245.00 7501 - - - - - - 245.00 7501
3 Assam - - 58.20 167 - - - - 58.20 167
4 Chhattisgarh 929.30 3786 - - - - 2.86 1 932.16 3787
5 Gujarat 388.00 96 - - - - 6.75 2 394.75 98
6 Himachal Pradesh 20.83 25 - - 20.00 50 - - 40.83 75
7 Jammu & Kashmir 446.25 135 - - - - - - 446.25 135
8 Jharkhand 611.92 3742 - - 21.25 25 - - 633.17 3767
9 Karnataka 47.38 1911 - - - - 47.38 1911
10 Kerala 114.90 54 3.51 13 9.90 22 - - 128.31 89
11 Madhya Pradesh 4176.26 13282 - - - - 4176.26 13282
12 Maharashtra 951.56 447 - - 216 240 - - 1167.56 687
13 Meghalaya 1745.18 1412 - - - - - - 1745.18 1412
14 Mizoram 4484.04 3084 1975.18 1586 - - - - 6459.22 4670
15 Nagaland 2413.22 51918 - - - - - - 2413.22 51918
16 Odisha 1654.78 4562 643.37 6668 - - - - 2298.15 11230
17 Rajasthan 1849.52 3480 - - 460.80 512 1.07 1 2311.39 3993
18 Sikkim 253.30 100 - - - - - - 253.30 100
19 Tamil Nadu 28.5 2775 - - - - - - 28.50 2775
20 Telangana 30.07 1886 2710.00 6775 - - - - 2740.07 8661
21 Tripura - - - - - - 71.41 24 71.41 24
22 Uttarakhand 102.37 23 - - - - - - 102.37 23
23 West Bengal - - 453.90 3951 30.51 287 74.45 12 558.86 4250
TOTAL 21777.41 100495 5844.16 19160 758.46 1136 156.54 40 28536.57 120831


(? in lakh)


Name of the State Term Loan MCF AMSY ASRY Total

Amt. No. of benefi.
Amt. No. of benefi.
Amt. No. of benefi.
Amt. No. of benefi.
Amt. No. of benefi.
1 Andhra Pradesh 5022.24 12533 - - - - 5022.24 12533
2 Arunachal Pradesh 794.53 224 175.99 211 - - - - 970.52 435
3 Assam 5.00 2 - - - - - - 5.00 2
4 Chhattisgarh 195.76 235 - - - - 1.73 1 197.49 236
5 Gujarat 1440.90 8230 - - - - 1.13 0 1442.03 8230
6 Himachal Pradesh 13.40 2 - - - - - - 13.40 2
7 Jammu & Kashmir 318.75 125 - - 90.00 50 - - 408.75 175
8 Jharkhand 1.60 2 1000.00 10750 - - 1001.60 10752
9 Karnataka 2316.94 1905 - - 792.14 1109 - - 3109.08 3014
10 Kerala 269.71 169 - - 29.05 23 - - 298.76 192
11 Madhya Pradesh 3360.10 5685 - - - - - - 3360.10 5685
12 Maharashtra 37.27 822 - - - - - - 37.27 822
13 Manipur 62.37 65 - - - - - - 62.37 65
14 Meghalaya 4485.43 35016 - - - - - - 4485.43 35016
15 Mizoram 3324.18 1399 - - - - - - 3324.18 1399
16 Nagaland 1098.72 48240 - - - - - - 1098.72 48240
17 Odisha 126.65 202 1667.79 22029 219.98 250 - - 2014.42 22481
18 Rajasthan 1985.18 2414 - - - - - - 1985.18 2414
19 Sikkim 82.11 21 - - - - - - 82.11 21
20 Tamil Nadu 12.50 1609 - - - - - - 12.50 1609
21 Telangana 273.00 442 5086.23 12623 - - - - 5359.23 13065
22 Tripura 2134.35 1000 - - - - 81.93 56 2216.28 1056
23 Uttarakhand 6.15 2 - - - - - - 6.15 2
24 Uttar Pradesh 1.55 4 - - - - - - 1.55 4
25 West Bengal - - 231.20 2042 6.35 35 38.09 12 275.64 2089
TOTAL 22346.15 107815 13183.45 60188 1137.52 1467 122.88 69 36790.00 169539

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