Question : Death of Students in Tribal Residential Schools

(a) whether a large number of deaths of tribals studying in residential schools have been reported in the country during the last three years and the current year;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor, State/UT wise;

(c) whether any inquiry has been conducted in this regard and if so the details and outcome thereof along with follow up action taken thereon;

(d) the steps taken/being taken by the Government to ensure nutritional security, health, hygiene and provide safe drinking water and toilets in these schools; and

(e) where the vacancy on various posts in these residential schools have increased during the said period and if so, the details thereof and the steps taken/being taken by the Government to fill these vacancies at the earliest?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) There have been press reports of such incidents in schools in Maharashtra, Odisha, Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh. As per the newspaper reports there are different reasons for this like lack of health services and basic amenities, suicide, blood cancer, jaundice, brain TB, rabies, snake bites, malaria, cerebral malaria, meningitis, typhoid and scorpion bites, train accident, attack by wasps, aspiration of food, tractor accident, normal death, death at night in sleep, severe headache, heavy intra-abdominal bleeding due to rupture of spleen due to blunt trauma, electric shock and falling down.
(c) Administration / running of schools is the responsibility of concerned State Government / UT Administration, and inquiry and follow up action taken, if any, is undertaken by them.
(d) Maintenance of the residential schools, and the regulation of their use, are done by the State Government / implementing agencies. Ministry of Tribal Affairs has issued advisories to States for a series of measures: residential schools (200-300 students capacity) in block headquarters for quality education and physical safety; 100% screening of children for Sickle Cell Anamia/Trait; construction of Girls toilets to check girl drop out, physical safety, sanitation issues; promotion of Kitchen garden and Sports; Traditional Food (minor millet) in school meals; habit of hygiene and sanitation; engagement of trained lady health workers as Warden / Assistant Wardens in girls’ hostels.
As per the extant guidelines of Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRSs), there is a provision of healthy food, clean and hygienic surroundings and toilets etc. for the inmates of EMRSs. The EMRS guidelines suggest the following essential components in the layout of the school: well ventilated dormitories, assured / reliable water supply, courtyard / verandah for washing and drying clothes, rainwater harvesting, reliable sewage system, open-able / cleanable nets on doors and windows to keep out mosquitoes / insects, dining / kitchen, area for plantation of nutritional fruit trees, garden and small shed, toilets for workers / visitors and sewage treatment plant etc.
Government has undertaken various interventions for nutritional security, health, hygiene and safe drinking water which include, inter alia, Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) of Ministry of Women and Child Development, National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Mid Day Meals Scheme of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Drinking Water & Total Sanitation Campaign of Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation.
(e) Administration / running of schools including issues of vacancies / recruitment to posts in these residential schools, is the responsibility of concerned State Government / UT Administration. Details of vacant posts / steps taken/being taken by the concerned State Government are not maintained at central level.
EMRS guidelines stipulate that the norms and standards for a school class VI to class VIII in respect of the number of teachers to be appointed, as provided in the Schedule to the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 shall be strictly followed.


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