(a) the total length of the maritime border adjoining the State of Tamil Nadu (TN);

(b) whether fishermen from TN fishing in these areas are attacked by Sri Lankan Navy;

(c) if so, the total number of fishermen attacked during the last three years; and

(d) the long term measures taken by the Government to protect them?

Answer given by the minister


(a) 1100 Kms (approximately).

(b) to (d): From time to time, there are reports of incidents of attack on Indian fishermen, allegedly by the Sri Lankan Navy. Government attaches the highest importance to the safety, security and welfare of Indian fishermen. Whenever any such incidents of attack and consequent detention of our fishermen by the Sri Lankan authorities are reported, Government through diplomatic channels, immediately takes up the matter with the Government of Sri Lanka to ensure that the Sri Lankan authorities act with restraint and our fishermen are treated in a humane and pragmatic manner and are released expeditiously. Government is steadfastly working, in close cooperation, with the relevant stakeholders in finding a long term solution to this issue. Meanwhile, Government continues to remain engaged with the Government of Sri Lanka so as to ensure that fishermen on both sides can continue to pursue their livelihood in a safe, secure and sustainable manner. The details of Indian fishermen who have been detained and released by Sri Lanka on charges of alleged fishery related violations during the last three years are given below:

 2012	2013	2014	(as on 15.12.	2014) Detained 197	Detained 676	Detained 787 (all released)	(all released)	(706 released) 

Further, Indian Coast Guard provides assistance to Indian fishermen at sea while they are in distress through regular patrolling. It also conducts Community Interaction Programmes to educate fishermen among other issues, on the perils of cross border fishing. For better accessibility, the Coast Guard has provided a toll free telephone number 1554 for search and rescue assistance to fishermen at sea. Under operation Tasha, Indian Navy and Coast Guard ships are deployed continuously (24x7) in Palk Bay area to prevent any illegal activities and also to protect the Indian fishermen from any attacks, while they are fishing in Indian waters.

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