(a) whether the Union Government has received any proposal of financial assistance from the State Governments for the welfare of tribals;and

(b) if so, the details thereof,State-wise alongwith the estimated funds required therefore?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b): Yes,Sir.The Ministry of Tribal Affairs implements various Central Sector/ Centrally Sponsored Schemes/ Programmes for the welfare of tribal people in the country. Receipt and sanction of the proposals from the State Governments/ Union Territory Administrations under the schemes of this Ministry is an on-going process. Funds under the schemes of the Ministry are released to the State/ UT Governments based on the percentage of ST population in the State/UT, the proposals submitted by them, fulfilment of the eligibility conditions of the relevant scheme, subject to the availability of funds and utilisation of the previously released funds.The State-wise allocation to various States/Union Territories under different schemes/programmes of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs for the year 2007-08 is Annexed. Against the Budget Estimates of Rs. 1719.71 crore for various Plan schemes of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs for the year 2007-08, the Ministry after considering the proposals of the States/ UT Administrations under the respective schemes/ programmes has till 31.10.2007 released a sum of Rs.786.00 crores to various States/ Union Territories.