(a) the details of the progress made under the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the field of sanitation in the country including Chhattisgarh, State/UT-wise;

(b) the details of the States which have not achieved MDGs; and

(c) the steps taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b): Target 7c, set under Millennium Development Goals (MDG) 7, seeks to halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation (based on 1990 data). This would imply that at least 54.7% of the rural households should have access to sanitation by 2015 to meet MDG target.

According to the information presented in the WHO/UNICEF report on ‘Progress on Sanitation and Drinking Water 2012 Update’, the use of sanitation facilities as a percentage of population was 33% in rural areas of the country. As per Census 2011 also, 32.67 % of rural households reported to have access to toilets.

No MDG targets have been set for the States, but based on above criteria, the targets have been worked out & shown in Annexure-I along-with the status of achievement as per Census 2011. The states with higher positive values of gap between MDG targets & Sanitation Coverage reported by Census 2011 are the ones, that are lagging behind.

(c): Government of India has designed a paradigm shift in Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) which is now called the Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA), in the XIIth Five Year Plan. The objective of NBA is to achieve sustainable behavior change with provision of sanitary facilities in entire communities in a phased, saturation mode with “Nirmal Grams’ as outcomes. Under NBA, following steps have been taken:

# A shift from motivating individual household toilet construction to covering whole communities in a Gram Panchayat saturation mode for holistic sanitation outcomes.

The scope of providing incentives for individual household latrine units has been widened to cover all APL households who belong to SCs, STs, small and marginal farmers, landless labourers with homesteads, physically challenged and women headed households along-with all BPL households. Financial incentive for construction of toilets has been raised for all eligible beneficiaries to Rs. 4600/- from the earlier amount of Rs 3200/-.under NBA. In addition upto Rs. 4500/- can be spent under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme for construction of the toilet. Along-with beneficiary contribution of Rs. 900/-, the total unit cost of toilet is now Rs. 10000/-.

# More emphasis on Information Education Communication (IEC).with earmarked 15% of the total outlay of district projects for IEC activities. With a view to give thrust to a new approach towards IEC, the Ministry has launched a Communication and Advocacy Strategy (2012-2017).

# Conjoint approach with National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) to ensure water availability for sanitation in Gram Panchayats. Focused convergence of rural sanitation with associated Ministries including Health, School Education, Women and Child Development with NBA.