Question : Performance of Public Sector Enterprises

(a) whether the Government run Public Enterprises, especially in the sectors where private sector have entered in a big way, have declined in terms of profitability and market share in the last few years;

(b) if so, the details thereof during the last three years;

(c) whether any fresh and innovative steps are being taken by the Government to improve the performance of these Public Sector Enterprises in the country; and

(d) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (d): A statement is laid on the Table of the House.


Statement referred to in Lok Sabha Starred Question No. *229 for reply on 09.07.2019 regarding Performance of Public Sector Enterprises asked by Hon’ble Members Shri Upender Singh Rawat and Shri Kaushal Kishore.
(a) and (b): As per Public Enterprises Survey (2017-18) which was laid in both the Houses of Parliament on 27.12.2018 on the performance of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs), there were 257 CPSEs in operation as on 31.3.2018. These CPSEs have been divided into 20 sectors based on nature of business activities. Private Sector Enterprises have their presence in almost all the sectors. The Sector-wise details of Net Profit/Loss and Gross Turnover of all operating CPSEs for the last three years (2017-18, 2016-17 and 2015-16) is given at Annex. The information of private sector enterprises is not maintained in Department of Public Enterprises.

(c) and (d): Improvement in the performance of CPSEs is a continuous process. Enterprise specific measures for their turnaround are taken by the administrative Ministries/Departments having jurisdiction over the concerned CPSEs. These, inter alia, include business restructuring, such as, formation of joint ventures, modernization and improved marketing strategies, corporate governance, professionalization of board of CPSEs etc. All matters relating to revival / restructuring / disinvestment including closure of sick CPSEs or efforts to make them profitable are dealt by the respective administrative Ministry / Department on a case-to-case basis.


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