(a) the total amount of subsidies/ funds/ financial assistance granted by the Government for the setting up of Bio-gas plants in the country during the last three years;

(b) whether the Government has made any assessment of the percentage of energy needs of various States that have been met from the power supplied from bio-gas plants; and

(c) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is implementing National Biogas and Manure Management Programme (NBMMP) and Biogas based Distributed/ Grid Power Generation Programme (BPGP) for installation of family type biogas plants for cooking and small and medium size plants for decentralized power generation applications.Large size biogas plants based on urban and industrial wastes are also being installed under the Programmes on Energy Recovery from Urban and Industrial Wastes for biogas based power generation. During the last three years and the current year an amount of Rs.269.45 crore has been released by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy for setting up of biogas plants in the country.

(b)&(c): Biogas plants are generally set up for meeting cooking and heating energy requirement and also for decentralized power generation under the said programmes of the Ministry. As such this constitutes only a very small percentage of power requirement of various States. Application-wise number of biogas plants installed under the said programmes of the Ministry along with an estimated capacity of biogas production is given at Annexure-I.