Question : Consumption of Tobacco Products

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) the number of deaths due to consumption of tobacco products during each of the last three years;

(b) the details thereof, State-wise including Rajasthan;

(c) the measures taken by the Government to make the people aware about the injurious effects of tobacco at present;

(d) the funds allocated for the schemes during the last three years;

(e) whether the Government has received any information regarding violation of Government policies in this regard; and

(f) if so, the action being taken by the Government ?

Answer given by the minister

(a) & (b): No such specific data is available with this Ministry. However, as per the “Report on Tobacco Control in India” published in 2004, about 8-9 lakhs deaths per year are attributable to tobacco related diseases.

(c): The National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP) was launched by this Ministry in 2007- 08 with one of the objectives to create awareness among people about the harmful effects of tobacco consumption.

Government of India notified rules to regulate films and TV programmes depicting scenes of tobacco usage to spread awareness. Such films and TV programmes are statutorily required to run anti-tobacco health spots, disclaimers and static health warnings.
Further, to spread awareness on adverse impact of consumption of tobacco products, the size of specified health warnings on packages of tobacco and tobacco products has been increased to 85% w.e.f. 1st April, 2016.
The Ministry started National Toll-free Helpline in 2008, with a primary aim to report violations under various provisions of Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 2003 (COTPA, 2003). In addition, this Helpline provides information on harmful effects of consumption of tobacco, and on how to quit tobacco use, including after-effects of quitting tobacco.
The Ministry also started National Tobacco Quitline to provide tobacco cessation services to the community and has launched a pan-India “mCessation” initiative to reach out to tobacco users who are willing to quit tobacco use and to support them towards successful quitting through text-messaging via mobile phones.

The stakeholders are being made aware on a regular basis about the adverse effects of tobacco usage on health through various anti-tobacco campaigns vide different mode of communication.

(d): The funds allocated under NTCP for 2014-15, 2015-16 & 2016-17 are Rs. 80.68 crore, Rs. 101.30 crore & Rs. 134.80 crore, respectively.

(e) & (f): It is evident from the Quarterly Reports received under COTPA, 2003 from States/Union Territories that there is violation of various provisions under it and accordingly action is being taken through imposing fine on violators.

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