Question : Financial Allocation for Schemes- Programmes

(a)the steps taken for making financial allocation for various programmes and schemes before the completion of the Twelfth Five Year Plan period; and

(b)the extent of success achieved in achieving the targets of the Twelfth Five Year Plan?

Answer given by the minister



(a) Financial allocation under different schemes are provided on the basis of funds requirement estimated by the respective Ministry/ Department where the scheme rests, guidelines of individual scheme/ programme, utilization of previous release and availability of gross budgetary support etc. On the basis of the recommendation of B.K. Chaturvedi Committee, Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) were restructured and significantly reduced from 147 schemes to 66 schemes, included in Central Assistance to State & UT Plan (CASP) and its mode of transfer changed from existing different channels to be only routed through State Consolidated Fund since financial year 2014-15. Some more changes have been witnessed after the 14th Finance Commission’s recommendations in the area of Transfer of Resources to States. Devolution of Central pool of sharable taxes to the States’ has been increased to 42% from the earlier 32% and subsequently, the transfer through discretionary grants like Special Plan Assistance (SPA), Special Central Assistance (SCA-Untied) etc. have been discontinued with effect from financial year 2015-16. CSSs have been further restructured to 28 umbrella schemes with effect from financial year 2016-17 and funding pattern of these schemes has also been revised on the basis of recommendations of the Sub-Group of Chief Ministers on rationalization of CSSs.

(b) The details of targeted allocation under Twelfth Five Year Plan for various schemes/ programmes and expenditure against them during the Twelfth Plan period is placed at

Statement to the Lok Sabha unstarred Question No. 943 raised by Shri Lallu Singh due for answer on 08.02.2017 regarding ‘Financial Allocation for Schemes/Programmes ''
Rs. crore
Sectors Schemes/ Programmes Allocation/
Estimation for 12th Five Year Plan (2012-17) 2012-13 Actual 2013-14 Actual 2014-15 Actual 2015-16 Actual 2016-17 RE
State Development Plan Normal Central Assistance 1,78,739 24,063 25,642 25,470 Discontinued*
Special Category States Special Plan Assistance
36,436 5,523 6,480 7,287 Discontinued*
Special CA ( Untied to any project) 63,858 10,950 10,771 9,671 Discontinued*
Central Pool for North East and Sikkim 6,218 775 850 705 604 650
Agriculture Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana# 63,246 8,400 7,053 8,443 4,159 3,670
Special Central Assistance Border Area Development Programme/ Hill Area Development 10,122 1,265 1,270 1,020 990 990
Irrigation Programme/North East Council 6,108 727 675 549 604 500
Urban/Local Area Development Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme 91,435 6,492 4,630 3,261 3,199 1,228
Jawaharlal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission 1,01,917 3,420 7,559 4,078 5,673 14,496
MPs’ Local Area Development Programme 19,775 3,722 3,937 3,350 3,502 3,950
Balanced Regional Development Backward Region Grant Fund 76,677 9,058 7,540 7,636 Discontinued*
Bodoland Territory Council 340 16 17 41 Discontinued*
Elderly and Weaker Section National Social Assistance Programme 48,642 7,825 9,046 7,035 8,616 9,500
Infrastructure Roads and Bridges
12,410 2,272 2,567 2,065 2,166 2,350
Externally Aided Projects(EAP) Various EAPs 81,912 13,914 13,353 15,445 15,270 21,300
E-Governance National e-Governance Action Plan 3,537 90 243 666 Optional scheme
Tribal Development Tribal Sub-Plan 7,787 853 1,050 1,040 1,132 1,123
Grants-in-aid under Article 275 (1) 6,924 820 1,097 1,133 1,392 1,061
UT Plans## 41,073 4,688 5,248 6,104 5,139 5,547
Total 8,57,786 1,04,872 1,09,027 1,04,999 52,445 66,363

*In view of increased untied funds by the 14th Finance Commission, the Union Budget with effect from 2015-16 has discontinued to provide funds under certain schemes like Normal Central Assistance, Special Central Assistance, Backward Region Grant Funds etc.

# Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY): For the financial years 2015-16 & 2016-17, also includes Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana.

## UT Plans: For the financial years 2015-16 & 2016-17 excluding UTs without legislature.

Source: Table 3.14 of Twelfth Five Year Plan Document (Volume 1) and Union Expenditure Budget Document of different years.

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