Question : Cultivation of High-Value Crops

(a) whether the Government proposes to introduce any schemes to promote the cultivation of high-value crops across the country and if so, the details thereof;
(b) whether the Government is taking steps to encourage the private sector to invest in technologies facilitating the production of high-value crops and if so, the details thereof; and
(c) the details of the funds allocated to farmers to facilitate the production and the profits made off of high-value crops over the past five years especially in the State of Rajasthan?

Answer given by the minister

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(a): High value crops are mainly horticulture crops such as fruits, flowers, spices, vegetables & aromatic plants etc. Value of output and net returns of most of these horticulture crops is higher. A Centrally Sponsored Scheme namely Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) has been launched in the year 2014 for the holistic growth of the horticulture sector covering fruits, vegetables, root and tuber crops, mushrooms, spices, flowers, aromatic plants, coconut, cashew and cocoa through area based regionally differentiated strategies, which includes research, technology promotion, extension, post-harvest management, processing and marketing, in consonance with comparative advantage of each State/region and its diverse agro-climatic features. It also aims to enhance horticulture production, augment farmers’ income and strengthen nutritional security.

MIDH scheme is being implemented through State Horticulture Missions (SHM) in various States. Measures being taken under MIDH for promotion of horticulture sector are Area Expansion (establishment of new garden), Rejuvenation/Replanting of old and senile gardens, production and distribution of Quality Planting Materials, Integrated Pest and Disease Management, Integrated Nutrient Management, Organic Farming, Horticulture Mechanization, Integrated Post-harvest Management, Creation of Marketing Infrastructure, technology dissemination through Front Line Demonstration (FLD) and Human Resource Development etc.

(b): Under MIDH, assistances under different components is being provided to encourage investments from public, private and cooperative sectors and to include innovative technologies in the development of horticulture sector. However, components like Protected Cultivation and Post Harvest Management are mainly for Private Sector/ individual entrepreneurs.

(c): MIDH scheme being a Centrally Sponsored Scheme is implemented through States/ UTs based on their Annual Action Plan and funds are released to States/UTs to implement these AAPs. The State Horticulture Missions further release the funds to selected beneficiaries based on approved AAP and data for any profit from implementation of the scheme is not centrally maintained.

Details of the funds allocated under MIDH and to Rajasthan during the last five years are as under:
(Rs. in crore)
S. No. Year Allocation under MIDH Allocation to Rajasthan under MIDH
1 2016-17 1620.00 50.89
2 2017-18 2329.13 70.89
3 2018-19 2546.30 90.50
4 2019-20 2209.57 90.50
5 2020-21 2160.25 60.00


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