(a)& (b): Under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Urban (PMAY-U), a total of 4,96,330 houses have been constructed in the State of Maharashtra so far. Year-wise and District-wise details of Central Assistance utilized during last three years in the districts of Maharashtra for construction of houses under the scheme are at Annexure-I.
(c): Under PMAY-U, 114.02 lakh houses involving Central Assistance of ?1.86 lakh crore have been sanctioned so far. Of the sanctioned houses, 92.38 lakh houses have been grounded for construction; of which 54.40 lakh houses have been completed and remaining are under various stages of construction/grounding.
(d) to (f): PMAY-U is a demand driven scheme and Government of India has not fixed any target for construction of houses in a State/Union Territories(UTs). All State/UT Governments have undertaken a demand survey to assess housing requirement for the eligible beneficiaries in urban areas and prepared project proposals accordingly.District-wise details of houses sanctioned, grounded for construction and houses constructed for the urban families/ beneficiaries so far in the States of Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu under PMAY-U are at Annexure -II. All States/UTs have been advised to complete all the sanctioned projects/ houses within the stipulated timeline.
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