Question : Global Fish Production

Will the Minister of FISHERIES, ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND DAIRYING ??????????, ??????? ?? ????? ?????? be pleased to state:
a) whether the Government has details regarding share of India in global fish production and if so, the details from the year 2019-20 till date;

b) the total fish production in the country during the said period;

c) the total number of brood banks constructed during the said period, State-wise particularly in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal;

d) the total number of hatcheries constructed during the said period, State-wise; and

e) whether the Government has details regarding the average fish yield per unit cost and if so, the year- wise list of the same during the said period?

Answer given by the minister

(a) and (b): The details of India''s share in global fish production and total fish production in the country during the year 2019-20 are as under :

Year Global Fish Production
(In million metric tonnes) Fish Production in India
(In million metric tonnes) India''s share in global Fish Production (in %)
2019-20 177.83 14.16 7.96

As per the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the global fish production data during 2020-21 is yet to be released.

(c) and (d): The Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying is implementing a flagship scheme namely, Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) with an investment of over Rs.20,000 crore with effective from FY 2020- 21 to FY 2024-25 in all States/Union Territories. The PMMSY, inter-alia, promotes rearing of high value species through establishment of Brood banks, Hatcheries and rearing units, etc. State/ UT-wise details of number of brood banks and hatcheries approved for construction during the last two years under PMMSY, including Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and west Bengal, are given at Annexure – I.

(e): Fish production is undertaken in diverse production systems such as public ponds and
reservoirs in extensive manner and private ponds, Re-circulatory Aquaculture System (RAS) and Biofloc units in an intensive manner. Fish productivity varies considerably depending on the stocking density and quantity of feed given. This also varies from State to State and also depends on type of species. Under Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY), the Department of Fisheries has roped in National Productivity Council (NPC) to conduct a nation-wide sample study to assess production and productivity across regions, production systems and verities of species.


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